Home BUSINESS NEWS JKIA Introduces New Luggage Delivery Service and Announces Expansion Plans

JKIA Introduces New Luggage Delivery Service and Announces Expansion Plans

JKIA Introduces New Luggage Delivery Service and Announces Expansion Plans

Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) has launched a new service known as Airport Mtaani in a move designed to enhance traveller convenience.

This initiative streamlines the luggage claim process by allowing passengers to bypass baggage claims entirely and proceed directly to their destination. Kenya Airports Authority (KAA) and Customs will handle customs clearance for the luggage, which will then be delivered by the airport service to the passenger’s designated location, such as a residence or hotel. Airport Mtaani project leader Humphrey Mbogo says that with this service, travellers can arrive at the airport, complete immigration procedures, and then head straight to their intended location

“We take care of everything else, ensuring your luggage is cleared through customs and customs, and delivered directly to your hotel or home.” He says.

This program holds promise for future implementation at other airports throughout the country. Furthermore, during the launch ceremony, Kenya Airports Authority Chair Caleb Kositany unveiled plans for a significant expansion of JKIA. The project entails the construction of a new terminal capable of accommodating 20 million passengers annually. Additionally, renovations are planned for Terminal 1E, which will be upgraded to a permanent structure.

The expansion will also encompass the installation of new air navigation equipment. The project is slated to commence later in 2024 and is expected to be finalized by the conclusion of the 2025/2026 Financial Year. As part of these improvements, JKIA will transition to a cashless system for all airport payments, including parking fees. Travelers will be able to utilize the USSD Code *566# to facilitate these transactions.


  1. Say what? I don’t know about…
    Say what? I don’t know about everyone but there is no way I will agree to my luggage being delivered to my destination anywhere in the continent of Africa. KQ can transfer my luggage during transit and after that the only person who will handle my luggage is me.

  2. Jkia arrivals terminals esp…
    Jkia arrivals terminals esp international is just a mess, just BULLSHIT!……Whoever’s designed baggage claims, that bags has to be scanned once again before exiting the airport is idiotism, totally scamming ..What kind of security threat do passengers poss to the Country after going through 2,3 or 4 connecting before landing??..Even after Immigration clearance???

  3. These people are a joke! How…
    These people are a joke! How can they even think that anyone would want to part with their luggage! Is personal belonging and should be left that way. After hours to days in the air and at airports, you and your luggage just want to remain united and in peace as you wear off jetlag and intrusive checks, and as you express gratitude that Boeing got you to your destination safely without windows opening 45000 up in the clouds for you to view the data we have recently been uploading there on OneDrive. It is just difficult to understand who makes these decisions.


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