Home DIASPORA NEWS Kenyan Man Reliquishes Kenyan Citizenship 23 Years After Relocating to the US

Kenyan Man Reliquishes Kenyan Citizenship 23 Years After Relocating to the US

Kenyan Man Reliquishes Kenyan Citizenship 23 Years After Relocating to the US
Andrew Kamau and Bethany McKnight-Kamau With Their Kids

After living in the United States for the past 23 years, Andrew Kamau, an immigrant student, has officially relinquished his Kenyan citizenship.

Kamau, a proud father of three, joined a cohort of 140 migrants hailing from 40 diverse countries in a milestone affair on December 8, 2023. Stationed in Chicago, it was here where he accepted his new status as an American citizen. Kamau’s anticipation shined through during his interview with the Chicago News documentary. Originally from Nairobi, Kenya, Kamau relocated to the United States in 2000 to further his education.

As reported by the Bakersfield Californian, one must relinquish their native country to obtain U.S. citizenship. Kamau, along with his spouse and children, embraced this requirement during the swearing-in ceremony. In an interview with an American publication, Bethany McKnight, Kamau’s wife, expressed the profound impact of this occasion on their family. The ceremony, held at a museum, was highlighted by the presiding judge as a historic milestone for the city of Chicago.

“He’s now a citizen (American) and for us to be able to have that moment together is, I think, it is really special,” Bethany McKnight told the publication.

Every year, newly naturalized citizens and their families are gifted a complimentary annual membership. After the event, Kamau expressed his elation as he acknowledged the immense potential of the nation. While Kenya allows individuals to have dual citizenship and a method for renouncers to regain citizenship later on, America requires those seeking citizenship to relinquish their original nationality.

“The promise of this country is still very real,” stated a jubilant Kamau.


  1. I don’t blame him. Many have…
    I don’t blame him. Many have fled the US for various reasons. Is he now reverted to factory settings ie Kenya citizenship, been a dual or he has to apply? I bet he will be on YouTube soon celebrating or lamenting.

    • You are either:
      1. A US…

      You are either:
      1. A US Citizen born in the US or
      2. A Naturalized US Citizen or
      3. An Alien US Citizen or
      4. A Permanent Resident or
      5. An International Legal Resident or
      6. An Illegal Resident or
      7. OTHER.

  2. “””While Kenya allows…
    “””While Kenya allows individuals to have dual citizenship and a method for renouncers to regain citizenship later on, America requires those seeking citizenship to relinquish their original nationality.”””””

  3. This is nonsense. Factually…
    This is nonsense. Factually incorrect analysis of obtaining US citizenship. Please do your homework.

  4. This is misinformation…
    This is misinformation Mwakilishi.com.
    America allows dual citizenship.
    If he relinquished his Kenyan citizenship he had his own personal reasons. But it is not because of any law as the US does not require naturalized citizens to relinquish the citizenship of their country of birth.


    • Which “cat” did you forget…
      Which “cat” did you forget to feed? No one wants to attend to your cat down there! Is that news? Hell No!!

        • “Humor”?? What humor? @toto…
          “Humor”?? What humor? @toto must have been referring to your hugely big ‘cat’! What is your damn age? There is humor for you! Can you see it?

        • @Muns, it is your…
          @Muns, it is your prerogative to see “humor” regardless of your very old age! @Moses did not see any “humor” in the rotten cat getting fed! So, tend to your “cat” and keep it clean not to stink in public places! What does age got to do with seeing humor of a “cat”!?

    • I took us citizenship and…
      I took us citizenship and was not told to relinquish my original nationality.

  6. Is this supposed to be a new…
    Is this supposed to be a new milestone in the life of a Kenyan? I became a US citizen in 1977 when the average Kenyan could not differentiate between the US and UK and I am still a citizen.

      • Oh Sylvia – did you just…
        Oh Sylvia – did you just find your own age mate for some candy love here? Mlandizi says he is too old to get it up! Or what you want Sylvia❤️???!!!

          • Ok my brother! Maybe I need…
            Ok my brother! Maybe I need to hook up with you before Sylvia does! Under one condition though that the machine down there will work well for at least three hours!!!????!

        • Mlandizi, one and only the…
          Mlandizi, one and only the ONE! Where are you located so I can work the maps?

    • @Mlandizi, eti you became a…
      @Mlandizi, eti you became a US citizen in 1977???????????! Even my own mother wasn’t born then! You sound like you came down with Noah’s Ark! How old are you Sir? Can you even fuck?

      • Hahaha ? That’s a good one…
        Hahaha ? That’s a good one Candice. As a matter of fact, Noah used my GPS to navigate through the swollen river to lead us to Egypt or was it Moses. Either way I knew them both but Moses had a bad habit of talking in his sleep.

        • Wow, I am beginning to like…
          Wow, I am beginning to like this guy, yall! He has a huge sense of humor! Something that can make a woman wet in a heart beat! Hey, listen ? to James Brown’s song, “It is a man’s world” and tell me what you think @Candice is saying here! Are you in the Baltimore, Maryland zone per your GPS? Can you read a map???

  7. I am am American living in…
    I am am American living in Kenya trying to get my Kenyan Citizenship. The Author of the article has no clue what he is talking about. My Kikuyu wife of 20 years and all of my children have both Kenyan and USA passports, Kenyan and US IDs, and birth certificates from both countries. US citizens are completely allowed to have duel Citizenship. As a matter of Fact I believe Professor Wajakoya has duel Citizenship USA and Kenya. Lol

    • Tom – Kamau is scared of…
      Tom – Kamau is scared of returning to Kenya after Meg Whitman called Ruto the best president Kenya has ever had. He is also worried that Kenya is quickly becoming a US colony as Ruto sells it piece make to the highest bidder!

      Kamau is also worried his white American wife may not want to hold a Jembe to till the land to supply food to the family! Does your Kikuyu wife make you do the soil tilling with a Panga? How come you have not yet changed your name to “Mwaniki” or something to that effect?

      Maybe you should invite Kamau to stay with you as he gets used to life in the motherland after being gone for 23 yrs! What’s your take Tom???

  8. Dual citizenship is allowed…
    Dual citizenship is allowed under Kenyan and American law.
    For some countries, dual citizenship is prohibited. Example: DRCongo.
    I believe Andrew Kamau did NOT do his homework!

    • Y’all leave Kamau alone! He…
      Y’all leave Kamau alone! He has his own good reasons why he does not want to take his wife to Kenya; probably the same reasons which made him leave the country in the first place! ?

      The fact that he is migrating from America does not mean he is a man of means to afford a family of five in Kenya. And yes, Kenya has become very expensive to live there!

      What a better way to get off the hook than to tell the white lady that she would have to forfeit her birth right as an American citizen? That in itself can be very scarely!

      Please let Kamau be and continue to live the life he was searching for when he migrated to America!

  9. Since the new Kenya…
    Since the new Kenya constitution, you don’t necessarily have to renounce your Kenyan citizenship! You need to apply with the Kenyan immigration authorities for a dual citizenship. But there is a very small window, otherwise you will have to go through other complicated channels and hire an immigration lawyer in Kenya to regain your citizenship!

  10. Good for him for escaping…
    Good for him for escaping the former British colony.

    Kikuyu and Kalenjins have destroyed that former colony.

  11. I beg Mwakilishi to set the…
    I beg Mwakilishi to set the record straight by having an expert in immigration to inform Kenyans in the diaspora what the law is as far as immigration and duo citizenship is concerned! A lot of people in the diaspora are misled by being misinformed as well as being victimized by corrupt individuals back at home!!!

    Education is key to success!!!

  12. Why would anyone want to a…
    Why would anyone want to a citizen of the most corrupt country in the world? He just got tired of Ruto’s corruption and eventually he felt enough was just enough!

    • You know, just in case…
      You know, just in case Donnie Dump becomes a president again and turns US into a shìthole hell hole, you can run to the shìthole that you already know instead of becoming a Jew Hitler massacre!!!

      • Holly Molly! You just got me…
        Holly Molly! You just got me thinking @juju! For real, it could happen again in 2024 and Trump will send all the “vermin” (not my word) back to the shithole country of n a hot air balloon!

    • Avoid mass shootings, taxes,…
      Avoid mass shootings, taxes, GMO food, snow, alphabet drags, lack of extended family, and many other reasons

  13. Another foolish kenyan…
    Another foolish kenyan religiushing yr Citizenship when white Americans/canadians/british r fighting everyday to gain Kenya citizenship.Wait few years n pray yr MrS don’t start mistreating you then u have nowhere to run.U choose to remain in diaspora u have chosen modern slavery big time.

    • @halisi – you can’t even say…
      @halisi – you can’t even say that with a straight face after you got deported from America; would you? Uuuhuuh like we don’t know your situation now where you are keeping 5 milk cows on a 1/4 acre of land to feed a multitude of huge family.

  14. Don’t mess up or you will be…
    Don’t mess up or you will be state less and start squatting in airports

    • What is your correct…
      What is your correct reasoning Apollo Mboga? Correct the errors so Kamau can benefit from your wisdom!

  15. Kamau – please don’t be…
    Kamau – please don’t be scared sending your white wife to Kenya. I sent mine to Ndondori way back and she loves it out there.

    She started a small Kiosk where she now sells Chips, Kuku, Nyama choma, Mandazi and Mutura! A mzungu girl will adjust better than a Kikuyu wife in Kenya!

    She will even love it more when she sees Giraffes, Elephants, Zebras, Hyenas, Lions, etc! Send her home she will adjust better and quicker than you!

    All you need to do is make sure kids got enough food to eat! And, possibly you have enough out there if you hail from the Kenya Highlands! Don’t fear nothing Brother! It is all good!

  16. Relinquishing Kenyan…
    Relinquishing Kenyan citizenship for a US citizen is like throwing away rotten apples for a piece of mega gold! Who wants to live in a country dominated by corrupt thugs who have destroyed every formerly working system? You can even count on electricity being available!


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