Home IMMIGRATION NEWS Most Common Reasons Why Kenyans Get Deported From the US

Most Common Reasons Why Kenyans Get Deported From the US

Most Common Reasons Why Kenyans Get Deported From the US
A Photo of Capitol Hill

Many Kenyans choose to relocate abroad for varied reasons, such as seeking better job prospects, education, or medical treatment. 

Abiding by the rules and regulations of the host country is paramount when living outside one’s homeland. Failure to comply with immigration laws can lead to deportation for immigrants. The United States, often renowned for its wide range of opportunities, is a popular destination for migrants from all over the world. Nonetheless, it is also well-known for its stringent immigration laws. Kenyans, among other immigrants, have faced deportation from the United States for breaking these laws.

According to the US government, deportation can be triggered by several factors, including engaging in criminal activities, posing a threat to public safety, entering the US without the necessary paperwork, using fake travel documents, and disregarding visa or other entry document requirements. The US government generally organizes deportation through airlines, with all the costs being shouldered by itself. Other times, a combination of air and ground transportation is used to carry out the expulsion.

Under US law, some of the criminal offences that can lead to deportation include murder, rape, drug trafficking, fraud, and robbery with violence. Every year, the United States government deports over 200,000 people due in part to the lack of documentation among those subject to deportation. This was a contentious issue during former President Donald Trump’s tenure as he was heavily criticized for implementing strict immigration laws.

A prime example of such deportations was the case of Sylvester Owino who was accused of robbery with violence. Despite his efforts to contest the deportation, Owino was unsuccessful. He had initially relocated to the US in 1998 on a student visa, but dropped out of school and became addicted to drugs.
In 2021, Trump deported African individuals including Kenyans in an attempt to reduce the number of asylum seekers in America. In July 2023, a Kenyan woman was deported after immigration officers discovered a video of her working while on a visiting visa. 

Driving Under the Influence (DUI) is a serious offence that can lead to deportation. In August 2018, a 74-year-old man in the US was sent back to his homeland after being caught drunk driving. He was initially fined Ksh175,300 ($1,240) and later arrested and put in a detention camp for two weeks. It is a fact that many automobile accidents are due to impaired drivers, so DUI is considered a danger to public safety. 

The US provides several options for non-citizens to legally migrate, such as family-based immigration, naturalization, employment-based immigration, refugees and asylum seekers, and the diversity visa program. The Kenyan Embassy in Washington DC emphasizes that Kenyans maintain valid immigration documents to dodge deportation. If detained, they should not resist arrest, comply with the law enforcement agency, and inform the embassy or consulate.

The embassy recommends that immigrants contact the embassy/consulate if they are arrested and make sure an attorney is present during the questioning. The Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act provides that a Kenyan citizen who is stranded abroad or is sent back to the country can receive an emergency travel document. The Act further stipulates that if the government pays for a person’s deportation, they may have their travel documents suspended or taken away.


    • Yes DUI if you are not a…
      Yes DUI if you are not a citizen you are gone. Rehabilitation of an alcoholic is expensive venture to spend Tax payers money on non citizens.

  1. An act that is depraved,and…
    An act that is depraved,and immoral,or is aviolation of the basic duties owed to your fellow man,can negatively affect your immigration status.In some incidences lead to deportation.Now some of you are scratching their heads saying what the heck is that.Yes what the heck is that? This vague definition has frustrated law makers as well- to the point that some offenders have escapped the wrath of the law as it regards to moral torpitude. Prostitution falls under this law of moral torpitude.I have never heard of aKenyan being deported for visiting a prostitute or for being aprostitute,but that does not mean it has not happened.
    The article is spot-on on lighlighting the fact that one should respect the laws of the foreign land they are in.And ofcourse we would hope that also “domestic” laws be not broken,but knowing human nature,there is going to be alot of lawbreakers despite what the law says.
    This is a warning to men who engage in services of prostitutes. You may have gotten away unscathed thus far,but your lack may run out and you find yourself on the place back home.Not that going home “free” in bad,but going on your own terms in best.On a brighter note, with a good lawyer,your sexcapades with malaya may not under ordinary circustances lead to deportation.Just stay away from breaking the law,especially if your papers are in “disaray”.
    As usual my detractors will fish in my post for something to attack me with,especially those “johns”.When I worked for a lawfirm,there was this case of a fellow from Costa Rica whose immigration status was in jeopady because he was caught with a malaya.So I speak of what I know.Better yet before you attack me do your research.
    Most importantly, I hope we can have a healthy and educational intercourse,exchange of ideas without personal attacks.My two cents.

    • Comrade Maxiley,
      There is…

      Comrade Maxiley,
      There is nothing legal about being illegal. Watu wafuate sheria, ama?

      • @ comrade Kora kanini, it is…
        @ comrade Kora kanini, it is said that laws are made to keep honest people honest.Very few people”ignorantly” break the law.I believe there are some human beings who dont give a”fxxK” for whatever reason,and would break laws without batting an eye.Nonetheless,no society can exist without laws.As diverse as human beings are,we have to create laws that shape a “common path” for all to follow.Otherwise with our diversity,there would be alot of chaos,and problems.Cannot even phathom a lawless society.
        The thing we struggle with now is to make fair laws,and as you see that is sometimes abig challenge.For example why do some societies permit gay marriages,and others have avery negative reaction?Should’t human being be guided by same laws? I wish…Infact, the more I think about it, as we interact with various cultures,mores,norms,and religions,we start to break barriers that are detrimental to our “oneness”.We even ignore some of the our religious directives that separate us. For example the Koran says that muslims cannot be friends with christians… It will take at least 50 generations of intermixing,intermarring, exposure to media,to have some semblance of “one law -one humanity”.What say you?

      • @ comrade Kora kanini, it is…
        @ comrade Kora kanini, it is said that laws are made to keep honest people honest.Very few people”ignorantly” break the law.I believe there are some human beings who dont give a”fxxK” for whatever reason,and would break laws without batting an eye.Nonetheless,no society can exist without laws.As diverse as human beings are,we have to create laws that shape a “common path” for all to follow.Otherwise with our diversity,there would be alot of chaos,and problems.Cannot even phathom a lawless society.
        The thing we struggle with now is to make fair laws,and as you see that is sometimes abig challenge.For example why do some societies permit gay marriages,and others have avery negative reaction?Should’t human being be guided by same laws? I wish…Infact, the more I think about it, as we interact with various cultures,mores,norms,and religions,we start to break barriers that are detrimental to our “oneness”.We even ignore some of the our religious directives that separate us. For example the Koran says that muslims cannot be friends with christians… It will take at least 50 generations of intermixing,intermarring, exposure to media,to have some semblance of “one law -one humanity”.What say you?

    • If it’s a crime even those…
      If it’s a crime even those that are called victimless crimes like prostitution you run the risk of deportation if you engage and are caught. This applies to wale bila makaratasi and permanent residents. Indeed it will cost the latter a shot at citizenship. FYI, even in states where weed is legal being an employee, owner or grower of an enterprise that centers on weed can cause you to be deemed to be not of good moral character. If you’re trying to become a citizen, stay away from anything that could be questioned.

      • You are so right!!!. You…
        You are so right!!!. You have a wife and pregnant an American girl while lying you are single. Oh men that is the end of your story.

      • @ mundumugo,I guess for an…
        @ mundumugo,I guess for an act to be acrime,its not necessary to have a victim. So long as society says its acrime,avoid being acriminal,unless you want to be punished.
        So when two consenting adults decide to have sex for money,one paying,and one offering,its acrime.What is interesting is that if your wife refuses to have sex with you,untill you buy her the latest victotia secret loungerie,and you do it is that prostitution? By definition,yes its a crime.So you women do lead your husbands into prostitution. Now wonder the good book says something to the effect,” bibi usinyime bwana…”
        Human beings are indeed complicated ‘animals’.In one spot on the globe, same act is celebrated,and at another spot the same act is criminalized.Cann’t we agree on one thing as human beings?No wonder Ruto and Raila dont want an olive branch.

      • @ mundumugo,I guess for an…
        @ mundumugo,I guess for an act to be acrime,its not necessary to have a victim. So long as society says its acrime,avoid being acriminal,unless you want to be punished.
        So when two consenting adults decide to have sex for money,one paying,and one offering,its acrime.What is interesting is that if your wife refuses to have sex with you,untill you buy her the latest victotia secret loungerie,and you do it, is that prostitution? By definition,yes its a crime(PROSTITUTION).So you women do lead your husbands into prostitution. Now wonder the good book says something to the effect,” bibi usinyime bwana…”
        Human beings are indeed complicated ‘animals’.In one spot on the globe, same act is celebrated,and at another spot the same act is criminalized.Cann’t we agree on one thing as human beings Is there any wonder we have wars.Right in your backyard 3,000 Sudanese have killed each other,and nobody seen to bad an eye.I heard Ruto is heading there with a masai RUNGU to straighten matters…Good luck.

      • @ mundumugo,I guess for an…
        @ mundumugo,I guess for an act to be acrime,its not necessary to have a victim. So long as society says its acrime,avoid being acriminal,unless you want to be punished.
        So when two consenting adults decide to have sex for money,one paying,and one offering,its acrime.What is interesting is that if your wife refuses to have sex with you,untill you buy her the latest victotia secret loungerie,and you do it, is that prostitution? By definition,yes its a crime(PROSTITUTION).So you women do NOT lead your husbands into prostitution. Now wonder the good book says something to the effect,” bibi usinyime bwana…”
        Human beings are indeed complicated ‘animals’.In one spot on the globe, same act is celebrated,and at another spot the same act is criminalized.Cann’t we agree on one thing as human beings Is there any wonder we have wars.Right in your backyard 3,000 Sudanese have killed each other,and nobody seen to bad an eye.I heard Ruto is heading there with a masai RUNGU to straighten matters…Good luck.

    • Unaongea ukitumia mavi ama…
      Unaongea ukitumia mavi ama uzaa badala ya akili.How many Kenyans do you know?I am a Kenyan but I never use drugs,drink or smoke.Speak for yourself jinga hii.

    • Here’s how that works, you…
      Here’s how that works, you call the embassy, you get through to an answering machine promising a call back, the machine doesn’t tell anyone since they’re all out having a tea break, you are now left to your own devices. Figure it, remember there is a Bottoms up philosophy

  2. Ati seek help to mafi ya…
    Ati seek help to mafi ya kuku, Kenyan Embassy at Washington DC. They are just but an extension of Kenyan rotten civil servants. I mean ripe criminals enjoying diplomatic immunity. An extension of Kenyans thieves now hitting an all time high 99.85 percent, meaning in every ten (10) Kenyans within and outside Kenya, 9.25 are either fully-baked thieves, baked thieves, oven-ready thieves, baking thieves, bread dough, learning or being trained to steal, and only 0.75 is honest and trustworthy. Those are raw facts…and the truth. Visit any Kenyan embassy in DC or Los Angeles and check my facts.
    And MjuAji is a know-know, or just argue,… a know nothing.

  3. Ati seek help to mafi ya…
    Ati seek help to mafi ya kuku, Kenyan Embassy at Washington DC. They are just but an extension of Kenyan rotten civil servants. I mean ripe criminals enjoying diplomatic immunity. An extension of Kenyans thieves now hitting an all time high 99.85 percent, meaning in every ten (10) Kenyans within and outside Kenya, 9.25 are either fully-baked thieves, baked thieves, oven-ready thieves, baking thieves, bread dough, learning or being trained to steal, and only 0.75 is honest and trustworthy. Those are raw facts…and the truth. Visit any Kenyan embassy in DC or Los Angeles and check my facts.
    And MjuAji is a know-know, or just argue,… a know nothing.

  4. There are so many times,…
    There are so many times, that media is continually putting out misleading and incorrect information. Whom ever provided these facts is incorrect as I am the wife of Sylvester Owino. If the journalist would like to reach out to us , we would not deny them. He also was approved for his 10 yr green card with the hopes of obtaining his citizenship. So please do not assume that facts or that tend to know people on a personal basis and we also own a small business here in San Diego, Ca since 2016 “RafikiszFoodz if your interested look us up in instagram. Please don’t be a mental midget

  5. What about #corruption?…
    What about #corruption? Kenyans are known worldwide for corruption and conmanship! Giving us all in the diaspora a bad name!!! Preposterous

  6. Be very careful prostitution…
    Be very careful prostitution, DUI weed/ drugs if you area permanent resident unapelekwa Nairobi asap after splashing your name and details online.


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