Home KENYA NEWS Mourners Forced to Flee as Supporters of Orengo and His Deputy Clash

Mourners Forced to Flee as Supporters of Orengo and His Deputy Clash

Mourners Forced to Flee as Supporters of Orengo and His Deputy Clash
Supporters of Siaya Governor Orengo and His Deputy William Oduol Clash

Police were obliged to lob teargas canisters during the burial of Siaya public service board chairman Dr Elijah Achoch when conflict ensued between supporters of Siaya governor, James Orengo, and his Deputy William Oduol on Saturday, May 13.

From Saturday morning, tension was already high with the presence of anti-riot police in the village ahead of the burial. Governor Orengo’s deputy arrived at the burial at 2.30 earlier than Orengo. The two had differed over the management of the county with three activists lodging a case at the Milimani High Court seeking clarity on the issue.

Bishop John Mark Godia of the ACK, Maseno West diocese was heading the burial service when chaos erupted, disrupting the funeral service. Governor Orengo arrived alongside Alego Usonga MP Samuel Atandi and proceeded to share words of encouragement with the bereaved family before taking his seat. Bishop Godia had already warned against political statements.

When the bishop allowed DG Oduol to speak, a section of the youths lamented the move and began heckling. Mourners evacuated the scene as the youths from both the governor and deputy governor teams confronted each other at the podium. The bishop tried in vain to bring the function to normalcy, and when the situation culminated, the police lobbed teargas and fired in the air to disrupt the rowdy youths.

The Governor’s director of Public communications Ben Agina said that the goons were ferried outside Siaya to cause mayhem at the funeral service.

“The governor won’t allow himself to be dragged into pettiness that is of no benefit to the people of Siaya whose main concern is how the county government can improve their wellbeing,” Agina said.


  1. I wish any YES katiba voter…
    I wish any YES katiba voter can volunteer and explain why the DG is paid shs 1m.+ to await governor’s death,imprisonment or impeachment.The thugs’ main job is to undermine the sitting governor.I wish (s)he first explain why Kenya has 47 governors and 48 governments for 50m and a reversing economy yet there was only one governor/one government for nine million citizens in 1963.Kenyans must merge these useless,corrupt entities to a maximum of five,100 MPs,500 MCAs but senate and 700 county ministries must be scrapped.

  2. Siasa za aina yoyote zipigwe…
    Siasa za aina yoyote zipigwe marufuku mahali ambapo kuna mazishi.

  3. Mandamano people are cursed…
    Mandamano people are cursed with violence. Jaluos’ solution to everything is violence- their lession from their Raila-the mother of all violence in Kenya. Even Raila’s talk is violence. He uses fighting words!

  4. Power corrupts, and absolute…
    Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. We need to revisit the tasks of the DG. Some Governors have cutoff the salaries of their deputies.


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