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Men to Cover Multiple Wives on NHIF for an Extra Cost of Sh500

Men to Cover Multiple Wives on NHIF for an Extra Cost of Sh500

The National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) has published new regulations with a clause providing medical coverage to polygamous families.

If Parliament approves the proposed regulations, men will be allowed to get cover for multiple wives at an extra cost of Sh500 monthly for each spouse, which is to be paid before the 9th.

“Where a standard contributor extends more than one spouse as a beneficiary, the contributor shall remit an additional contribution to the Fund. The rate of the additional contribution referred to in the sub-regulation shall be five hundred shillings in respect of each spouse,” the proposed regulations read in part.

Under the current rules, NHIF covers one spouse and a maximum of five children. Most private insurance companies cover the insurance holder, one registered spouse, and a maximum of four children.

Data from the Kenya Population and Housing Census shows that about 1.5 million Kenyans, representing 10 percent of the married population, are in a polygamous marriage, but women’s rights groups say the number is a gross underestimate given that most of these marriages are customary and not registered.

In addition to the clause on polygamous families, NHIF has also proposed to raise monthly contributions for workers earning a monthly salary of more than Sh100,000. They will be expected to pay 1.7 percent of their salary.

NHIF currently has about 10 million principal members.



    • I dont think my spanish…
      I dont think my spanish squeeze with go for that now,but I keep that option@ kora kanini.

  1. Unless Iam missing something…
    Unless Iam missing something, it appears that the proposed coverage of the additional SH.500/month only covers the wives.How about the children?
    I think we should outlaw polygamy.Its misogynistic,archaic,and not in line with modern way of life.Yes it may have been valid and necessary at a time when women were viewed as vessels for producing children as workers on vast lands,and hedging against high child mortality.Not anymore…
    Can any one really justify polygamy in today’s world?It’s not like we are underpopulated,and women have taken a “a bite at the apple” and it tastes good,pretty good to let it go back to the huntergatherer days. Days when they depended on the hunter…Heck they can even do the hunting now. They dont need the hunter…My two cents.
    If I have said something that is wrong, please correct me,but dont insult me for airing my objective views.

      • Is marrying the only way to…
        Is marrying the only way to survive? With so many options available to women I am surprised that you should ask… Again, we are not underpopulated.Mindful that bearing children is pretty much why people get married.
        For your information, women and men are pretty much balanced in Kenya,population wise.Pretty much one for one…

  2. The politicians want more…
    The politicians want more wives. They make the law. They are our choice. They buy us at the polls… so we go as they lead.

  3. Many young men have been…
    Many young men have been rendered useless by life.. hopelessness, joblessness, the bottle n other drugs… There are many women that are not finding marriage-material men…. We know men are not monogamous by nature…. Let the able, marriage material men marry the women who are dying to get married…polygamy serves a purpose; and the beauty is that it’s a choice.

    • @ Just me, yes its a choice…
      @ Just me, yes its a choice.I was hoping that you could justify polygamy,other than that its a practice that has been there,and its an option… This practice is rapidly dwindling as well do you know why…?Please note that women are also not monogamous by nature.Their reasons may not be quite similar to those of men. Non the less both men and women are not designed to be monogamous.Please tell me the purpose polygamy serves in today’s world? Like I said, it appears that it may have been valid at one point in the evolution of homo sapiens.


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