Home DIASPORA NEWS Kenyan Man Dies in a Road Accident in St Louis, Missouri

Kenyan Man Dies in a Road Accident in St Louis, Missouri

Kenyan Man Dies in a Road Accident in St Louis, Missouri

A Kenyan man living in the US died following a road accident in St Louis County, Missouri over the weekend.

Godfrey Gachoka Gitau of Hazelwood, Missouri was killed after a 2006 Nissan Altima that he was driving went off the road and hit a guardrail.

The 35-year-old was ejected from his car during the accident on I-170 early Saturday morning.

Police said the incident happened just after 4:00 am on I-170 just south of I-270. Gitau, who was pronounced dead at the scene, was not wearing a seatbelt, according to police.

His body was moved to Archway Memorial Chapel in Hazelwood. 

Gitau, who emigrated to the US four years ago, leaves behind his wife Rose Gathoni and five-year-old daughter Olivia Njambi.

On Tuesday, Kenyan-born disk jockey (DJ) Davis M. Gwaro, alias DJ D-Vice, was killed in a road accident in New Jersey.

Gwaro was driving a Honda Civic on Interstate 287 north ramp to Interstate 78 east in Bridgewater, New Jersey when the crash occurred at around 1:05 am.

New Jersey State Trooper Charles Marchan said the 35-year-old’s car lost control and hit a left metal guardrail on the exit ramp then hit the right guardrail before ramming into a metal fence and tree. He died on the spot after suffering serious injuries as a result of the crash.


  1. Sincere condolences to the…
    Sincere condolences to the families afflicted. So saddening!

    What’s up with driving late in the AM, cars loosing control, hitting guardrails & afflicted Kenyans dying on the spot? Lord help us! Is it because of working late? Driving home tired? or just by coincidence?

  2. Let’s not imagine he was…
    Let’s not imagine he was drinking but thought it is cheaper to drive than get lyft/Uber. My condolences to his family.
    Let’s think ahead fam & not be ashamed to seek help if we need it.

  3. Hata kama umeNONA,…
    Hata kama umeNONA, umeCHELEWA, ama UmeLEWA namna GANI: Vaa Mshipi wa Kiti wakati Gari liko MWENDOni. Waoga? huISHI mda mREFU.?

    • @ Guest1, death has occurred…
      @ Guest1, death has occurred.Very sad indeed,especially to the grieving family. No reason to dwell on what shouda,coulda,woulda. Many drivers do what they should not do.If only they didn’t.Yes belts reduce death by 45%,studies show.We do not know for sure if in this case safety belt would have saved the driver.But you point is well taken.
      Iam not good in Kiswahili,but I think your last statement refers to the English proverb'”“A coward dies a thousand times before his death, but the valiant taste of death but once’.Not sure if it fits here very well.I would think may be prudence in better part of valor would fit…anyway,my two cents.

    • @ Guest1, death has occurred…
      @ Guest1, death has occurred.Very sad indeed,especially to the grieving family. No reason to dwell on what shouda,coulda,woulda. Many drivers do what they should not do.If only they didn’t.Yes belts reduce death by 45%,studies show.We do not know for sure if in this case safety belt would have saved the driver.But you point is well taken.
      Iam not good in Kiswahili,but I think your last statement refers to the English proverb'”“A coward dies a thousand times before his death, but the valiant taste of death but once’.Not sure if it fits here very well.I would think may be prudence in better part of valor would fit…anyway,my two cents.



  5. Yet again, another loss. So…
    Yet again, another loss. So sad. Young men who had a great future. I worked nights for 15 years until my body started suffering from what I would call night-euphoria. Being sleepy on my way home, at the middle of the night, and at the middle of nowhere. Slept in my car at the road shoulders, and twice had to be waken by a cop…”Hey, buddy, you ok?” Still in my glittering uniform, they understood what might have happened. One even escorted me home, a few miles away. Like I always say, if you really love yourself, give that body some good rest, good nutrition, good spirits and also PRAY. Kumbuka sio lazima unapotoka kwako kwenda kokote kurudi katika chumba hicho. Ni mapenzi yake Rabuka eewe ukiwa kipenzi chake. Ukiisukuma sana, na kama kwenda mlikuwa na punda, mwili unakataa kusukumika na kusindiliwa. Kwa mke, mtoto na familia ya kaketu, Mungu awafariji walti huu wa matukio haya. RIP brother.

  6. Mwakilishi please check the…
    Mwakilishi please check the info before publishing. two kenyans the DJ and the man in missouri stories are confused.

  7. What a handsome young man…
    What a handsome young man taken away prematurely by death. Heartbreaking he’s left a young family behind. Condolences to his loved ones.


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