Home KENYA NEWS Pedophile Kenyan Dad Goes into Hiding After Impregnating Own Daughters Aged 14...

Pedophile Kenyan Dad Goes into Hiding After Impregnating Own Daughters Aged 14 and 16

Pedophile Kenyan Dad Goes into Hiding After Impregnating Own Daughters Aged 14 and 16

Police in Kirinyaga County are hunting for a monster dad accused of defiling and impregnating two of his own daughters.

Reports indicate the man, who has since gone underground, first sexually abused his 16-year-old daughter. 

The teenager fell pregnant and gave birth to a baby who is seven months old now.

To save the man’s face, the family decided to keep the matter under the wraps.

As if that was not enough, pedophile proceeded to rape and impregnate his second daughter aged 14 years.

The minor is presently five months pregnant, according to police report filed by their mother identified only as Wanjiru at Sagana police station.

Both the girls were taken to Sagana Sub-County Hospital where they underwent medical check-ups as police search for their father.


  1. If asked Gikuyu’s 9…
    If asked Gikuyu’s 9 daughters (if they were here) or Mutahi Ngunyi grandfather, you’ll realize that Incest is nothing New in the Mt. Kenya area.

    • @ Guest 1 if I remember,you…
      @ Guest 1 if I remember,you profess to be a Christian.Ihave asked you ,did we all come Adam and Eve,two people?

  2. In an effort to “save face…
    In an effort to “save face”this woman will have to raise her grandkids .Incest is a taboo topic and her so called husband is sick.Leave this animal to wander the forest such people were banned or chased away from villages .Marriage is not the end all be all .Her children will require psychiatric help for the rest of their lives .Where was she when all this was happening

  3. Maybe we are confronting the…
    Maybe we are confronting the reality of our way rod as it has always been. He is not the first father to do so. We should confront that behavior vehemently

  4. He should be arrested and…
    He should be arrested and rot in jail. The trauma he will bring on his daughters is unimaginable for the rest of their lives. How could such heinous act be swept under the carpet.. that’s why he repeated it with the second daughter ..??‍♀️??‍♀️ That’s an animal of a father ama baba wa kambo

  5. In Genesis 19: 30-38:

    In Genesis 19: 30-38:
    Lot’s daughters got their father drunk, and over two consecutive nights had sex with him without his knowledge (uongo mtupu). They both got pregnant. The older daughter gave birth to Moab, while the younger daughter gave birth to Ammon.
    The police in Kirinyaga should stop looking for the man who made his two daughters pregnant. Why? He was trying to be a good follower of the bible by acting like Ndugu Lot. This man in Kirinyaga is a good Christian. How come? He was simply making an effort to emulate the decadent teachings contained in the decadent bible.

    • Thank you very much @Imara…
      Thank you very much @Imara. This christianity is nothing but a fraud teaching pedophilia ways. This man is a good christian who happens to “love” his daughters according to bible.

  6. Amazing!
    Genesis 19:30-38…


    Genesis 19:30-38

    New International Version
    Lot and His Daughters
    30 Lot and his two daughters left Zoar and settled in the mountains, for he was afraid to stay in Zoar. He and his two daughters lived in a cave. 31 One day the older daughter said to the younger, “Our father is old, and there is no man around here to give us children—as is the custom all over the earth. 32 Let’s get our father to drink wine and then sleep with him and preserve our family line through our father.”

    33 That night they got their father to drink wine, and the older daughter went in and slept with him. He was not aware of it when she lay down or when she got up.

    34 The next day the older daughter said to the younger, “Last night I slept with my father. Let’s get him to drink wine again tonight, and you go in and sleep with him so we can preserve our family line through our father.” 35 So they got their father to drink wine that night also, and the younger daughter went in and slept with him. Again he was not aware of it when she lay down or when she got up.

    36 So both of Lot’s daughters became pregnant by their father. 37 The older daughter had a son, and she named him Moab[a]; he is the father of the Moabites of today. 38 The younger daughter also had a son, and she named him Ben-Ammi[b]; he is the father of the Ammonites[c] of today.

    • Asante Sana Ndugu Imara…
      Asante Sana Ndugu Imara Daima .You made my day.As I always say,blind Faith is dangerous .These foreign religions have no answer to human problems particularly on issues that trouble Africans.Africans have embraced these religions so much that you would think that they originated from there.
      People should acknowledge the fact that our African religions were just as valid and served Africans just as well within their communities.Dont believe that they were evil,that would mean Africans were evil till be msungu “sanitized” them…this is partly the source of African inferiority complex displayed some be Africans,such as lightening skin,and be rejecting African names in favor of a Nancy, Jeff, Winterbottom, Joyce…

  7. Ndugu yangu @Maxiley na…
    Ndugu yangu @Maxiley na Ndugu yangu mwingine @Mugikuyu:

    Maxiley: Uliandika yafuatayo:

    :…People should acknowledge the fact that our African religions were just as valid and served Africans just as well within their communities.Dont believe that they were evil,that would mean Africans were evil till be msungu “sanitized” them…this is partly the source of African inferiority complex displayed some be Africans,such as lightening skin,and be rejecting African names in favor of a Nancy, Jeff, Winterbottom, Joyce…”

    Nimekunukuu { I just quoted you..) kwa mambo muhimu sana uliyoandika hapa. Umetoboa (revealed) chanzo cha matatizo tuliyo nayo sasa. Asante sana ndugu.

    Ndugu yangu @Mugikuyu:

    Nawe pia umesema mambo ya kweli kabisa ulipoandika:

    “…This christianity is nothing but a fraud teaching pedophilia ways. This man is a good christian who happens to “love” his daughters according to bible.”

    Asante sana kwa kutukumbusha ya kwamba uhalifu mwingi na matatizo mengi tuliyo nayo sasa, yanatokana na kufuata mafundisho mabaya yanayotokana na kitabu cha imani mbovu ya Wayahudi kinachoitwa, “bibilia.” Siyo bibiia peke yake: kuna kitabu kingine kibovu ambacho kimedharau dini asili ya Mwafrika kinachotokanba na mila za Waarabu. Kitabu hiki kibovu kinaitwa “koran.”

    Nimesema mara nyingi na pia nimeandika hapa ya kwamba, mtu akikudharau anakupa (gives you):

    1. Majina ya asili yake – anakupa majina yake na
    kukufanya uchukie majina ya mababu zako
    (ashamed of your ancestral names).
    2. Lugha yake – anakufanya uone aibu kusema lugha ya
    mababu zako
    3. Anakupa imani yake na kukufanya uone aibu kufuata
    imani ya mababu zako
    4. Anakulazimisha kufuata mila zake kama kusherehekea
    siku ya kuzaliwa kwako na mambo ya kupenda chakula
    chake chote hata ingawa si kizuri na pia kinaweza
    kukufanya upate ugonjwa wa saratani (cancer).
    5. Anakufundisha historia yake na kukufanya usimfikirie
    vibaya kwa mambo maovu ambayo amekufanyia. Kwa
    mfano, Waingereza walipokuja Kenya bila kualikwa
    walinyakua mashamba ya watu na kuiba mifugo yao.
    anakupiga msasa (brainwash you) kuona yote aliyofanya
    ni mazuri!
    6. Anakufundisha kuchukia rangi ya ngozi yako, nywele
    zako na pia kila kitu kinachotokana na asili yako

    Ni lazima sisi sote tushirikiana pamoja kukata minyororo (chans) ya ukoloni na kujenga Kenya mpya iliyo na msingi wa Sayansi, ufundi, na teknolojia njema inayoweza kuyarahihisha maisha yetu.

    No bora tufuate mfano wa watu wa India ambao walitawaliwa na Waingerez yapata miaka 200 na hata sasa wangali wakitumia majina ya asili yao, wanajua Kiingereza na huku wangali wakisema lugha zao na kufuata imani na mila ya mababu zao. Ajabu ni kuwa wameendelea kiteknolojia mpaka wakaweza kuunda silaha za kiniuklia (nuclear weapons).


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