Home DIASPORA NEWS I’m Proud of Kenya and Proud to be Kenyan, Diaspora Woman Pronounces...

I’m Proud of Kenya and Proud to be Kenyan, Diaspora Woman Pronounces After Traveling Home from Baltimore, Maryland

I'm Proud of Kenya and Proud to be Kenyan, Diaspora Woman Pronounces After Traveling Home from Baltimore, Maryland

More often than not, Kenyans in the diaspora express their displeasure over how things are done back home.

You will come across negative comments on social media about how awful Kenya is compared to other countries.

President Kenyatta’s administration has come under heavy criticism from Kenyans who accuse it of mishandling the Covid-19 pandemic.

But it appears Kenya is doing as well far as stemming the Covid-19 disease is concerned if the account of a Kenyan diaspora is anything to go by.

The woman says she traveled from Baltimore, Maryland to Kenya last week and was impressed by the Covid-19 containment protocols Kenya put in place as international flights resumed on Saturday.

She says what she saw made her proud to be a Kenyan. Below is her full story. 

Today I want to commend Kenya for making me so proud to be Kenyan???
We get a lot wrong as a nation but we also get a lot right and from firsthand experience of our handling of post covid arrival of international air passengers … Im proud to be Kenyan ???
On Friday 31st July I arrived at BWI airport in Baltimore, Maryland a place I had been calling home for a wee bit, to start my long awaited and anticipated return home ?? as the Kenyan government was finally opening its international airspace on 1st August and I planned to be home on the inaugural flights.
So the 39hour? trip home began … truly a journey of love in a covid world!
At BWI my first moment of being proudly Kenyan happened mixed with a tad of anxiety when the Delta checkin crew told me Kenya had suspended flights into its airspace ? so told them yes but by the time I arrived in Kenya 39 hours later it would be 1st August and our airspace would be open. At this juncture I was ready to start walking and swimming home?
The Delta supervisor affirms my stance then asks for my COVID test and entry authorization forms etc as Kenya is very strict … moment of pride No. 1 when the US is concerned at adhering with the strict entry requirements of Kenya ????????
Delta handled our boarding and on flight social distancing exceptionally well and kudos to them.
But both BWI and ATL airports were ghost towns with 90% of the duty free shops closed. This thrilled the Mrs. Monk in me as meant less exposure ?
Nearly a day later I land in Amsterdam and find Schipol which, in my opinion is the world’s worst airport in terms of harassing passengers especially those from Africa, has set up a special screening area specifically for flights to Kenya to adhere to Kenya’s strict entry requirements. Who would have thunk Schipol well known for best screening et al would need to enhance their measures to be able to enter Kenyan ?? airspace. Moment of pride No.2 ????????
At the screening station they check your covid test certificate, take your temperature and fill and stamp a form. Was bemused at passengers around me complaining at the strictness to enter Kenya ie how they had to cancel flights as didnt have covid tests etc. Was proud to say we don’t need you all to bring the virus home as we need to protect our own @Moment of pride No.3 ????????
Before boarding at Schipol they once again reconfirm covid tests etc as remember Kenya is strict @ Moment of pride No.4 @@???????? However, Schipol needs to learn a lesson on social distancing while boarding as the normal status quo was maintained in practice. But at this juncture I have been “exposed” for over 31 hours so Im ready to start the final leg home ?
Landing in Kenya is emotional and overwhelming and makes the long journey back home sooooo worth it …. while I was away y’all paved the pothole on the runway ??
As we taxi in the French gentleman seated next to me is awe of how JKIA is spraying planes to disinfect them @Moment of pride No.5 ????????
I say but of course we need to secure our peoples while inwards I’m in shock and pleasantly surprised that we have gotten our act together? … at this juncture this proud daughter of Kenya is in full bragging mode about her beloved ??. Tomorrow I can go back to calling her out for all her crap but for now savoring the pride of all she ?? is doing right?
From there on things just got better as our team at JKIA have set up effective and efficient screening and counter checking all covid certificates et al. And are strict on social distancing measures too ????????
Even customs and baggage control handled professionally … all cargo hold baggage screened before baggage carasouel so customs no longer physically check it only mechanically screen your carry-on luggage as you take the final steps and take your first breath of the crisp midnight air in Nairobi???
Well done to MOH and Kenya Airports Authority for doing your best on this stance to secure Kenya and Kenyans in the covid world ??????
#ProudlyKenyan ???



  1. This story should end with…
    This story should end with Writtern by Mutahi Ngunyi
    Or that Professor who writes propaganda for the Kenyan government.

    Mutahi Ngunyi has hired small girls to spread propaganda about the Kenyan government.

    • @pooguesty – You cannot see…
      @pooguesty – You cannot see anything good since you have locked up your mind while your job is to be negative about everything to include your own life! What solutions do you have instead of complaining all the time like a huge Snappy pussy/short dick??

      Kenya has made great strides over the years! Unfortunately folks like you have nothing to offer to make Kenya a better place! All the reason even women don’t want to be part of your retrogressive life!

      • A bit harsh buddy but I…
        A bit harsh buddy but I understand and I am English and your government is way better than the trump loving clown bojo trust me. Your country taking this seriously unlike most youth here are thinking they are never going to get covid19. The lady maybe has had points on some of your country’s faults but you are progressing and your people majority of them are hard working for little money unless your state employed and happier than some of our English moaners we have in UK that I wish could experience what poverty is too many. Keep safe and good luck hope to come on hols again soon as possible.

        • @Ray – some of those who…
          @Ray – some of those who negatively comment here need a real 2×4 piece of wood across their damn face!

          They have no crew how life is in other parts of the world! They just make nasty comments about everything and little Dudley shit!

          This one here would have complained hard about everything (depth, width, height and all the bridges) English Channel has to offer!

          @Ray, I bet you would have referred to whomever as a cunt for lack of better Queen’s English word!! I hate whiners who are clueless because they lack vision!!! And surely we got many less traveled whiners in Kenya who just talk to talk!!

          I appreciate you setting the record straight about the goodness and beauty of Kenya!

  2. Encouraging. Hope they keep…
    Encouraging. Hope they keep it that way until the scourge is fully contained.

  3. Which kenya are u talking…
    Which kenya are u talking about…i just left kenya now with klm everything u say is false….no social distancing nothing..even the restaurants sale beer and the président banned all sale of alcohol..i hv proof. I hv pictures stop that propaganda. Just take what they gave u to say all this..goooday

    • Proud of my country Kenya…
      Proud of my country Kenya.The negative energy portrayed on her, can’t make it lesser equal.

    • Ya, all those shoddy build…
      Ya, all those shoddy build roads that will be non-existent at the end of the the year! They have already started developing pot holes and breaking on the seams.

      China builds the worst roads and Africa should kick all the Chinese out of Africa back to Wuhan. There is nothing to be proud about cheap Chinese’s build roads!!

  4. She could have walked six…
    She could have walked six hours to get home if it’s not these magnificent infrastructure laid down there in short period of time.

    • @waxwisecounsel, it is…
      @waxwisecounsel, it is better to walk home on a rough road than to become a slave of a good one build by a colonizer. Everything will be revealed in due course. Let us keep watching, the world is changing and has changed for ever. Let those who have spiritual eyes see and spiritual ears hear.

  5. But who wrote this? She/he…
    But who wrote this? She/he should be proud to say so. Adhawise this is Mwakilishi tribally based propaganda.

    • There we got again with the…
      There we got again with the tribal beasty bitch running her mouth without thinking. We are trying hard to uplift your skewed human dignity but you ain’t getting it!! This hand-shake thing need to end! Them luo women expect a lifetime supply of free make up from others!! What a shame!!

    • Hap on a damn plane and go…
      Hap on a damn plane and go confirm it yourself! Everything Mwakilishi does is all tribal in your small view of life! Cleanse your enslaved mind and you will enjoy life; at least!

  6. This woman has a very…
    This woman has a very shallow view, covid test is only good within minutes. You can have the test now, next minute get exposed. When she say about covid certificate is nonsensical for the above reason, this virus spread so fast. About disinfecting planes, I hope not using chemicals & equipment from china which are substandard. There so many problems tracing this virus even in developed country. Kenya has so many issues, I guess the writer is not informed.

  7. Who are WE miss Busybody?I…
    Who are WE miss Busybody?I stay in Ellicott city an I am currently in Kenya. You should stop speaking for me.

    • Open your damn eyes to see…
      Open your damn eyes to see the opportunities around you! I’m in Kenya too but I’m not whining! A lot of things to do here to make it in life. Get your head out of your rear end and start making things happen!

  8. Somebody tell her we are all…
    Somebody tell her we are all proud to be kenyan… the story does not add-up. I promise when l travel this week l will update ya’all. People need to learn to tell the truth.

    • ls it true you have to have…
      ls it true you have to have a Covid19 certificate when you land at JKIA please let me know or anyone else who has gone,

  9. Yes. You need a Covid-19…
    Yes. You need a Covid-19 free certificate for you to proceed with your journey. But my question is, since the certificate is not issued by a central authority, how can its authenticity be verified? I’m sure there are fake ones around.

  10. one of the worst, most…
    one of the worst, most unbelievable fake story i have ever heard..i can go through those kenyan tests with a couple of 100 ksh and pass

    • That is why Kenya is in…
      That is why Kenya is in trouble because of folks like you who expect to bribe or be bribed to get things done! We moved from that maddening position long time a go! And worse of is a kikuyu guy talking about bribes! Shame on you country boy!

      • Wow Wow …. something wrong…
        Wow Wow …. something wrong of been a kikuyu and bribes? @mangara cowgirl what are you trying to say here.. I am sure you have bribe and because you do not want to admit it, its all good. BUT we need to kill it and bribe show die the same death COVID-19 has suffered because COVID-19 died along time ago.

        DO NOT throw any stones pleaseee

    • We don’t bribe in Kenya any…
      We don’t bribe in Kenya any more! It is an ugly behavior that is and should be killed! Where are you from wanna be briber @chege? A kikuyu and great money maybe!!??


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