Home DIASPORA NEWS Roselyn Akombe Vows to Expose Secret Details About Kenya’s 2017 Presidential Election

Roselyn Akombe Vows to Expose Secret Details About Kenya’s 2017 Presidential Election

Roselyn Akombe Vows to Expose Secret Details About Kenya’s 2017 Presidential Election

Roselyn Akombe has pledged to reveal full details of what forced her to flee the country and resign from the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) ahead of the 2017 repeat presidential election.

Responding to a Kenyan Twitter user who blamed her for the sham presidential election that was annulled by Kenya’s Supreme Court over irregularities and illegalities, Akombe said she did not have a chance to deliver a credible election.

The Twitter user named Yano wrote: “You [Akombe] had the chance to deliver us to Canaan but you chose to tell former [IEBC] CEO Ezra Chiloba how handsome he was instead of delivering credible elections.”

But in reply, Akombe noted: “No, I did not have a chance. I will release my story in detail one day when I am legally unbound, and you will understand what I mean.”

She added: “As long as we pretend that we have independent institutions, we will continue the charade.”

Akombe fled to the United States a week to the repeat presidential election, where she announced her resignation citing fears for her life among other reasons. She also said she felt the commission could not deliver a free, fair, and credible election as its members were partisan.

“It has become increasingly difficult to continue attending plenary meetings where commissioners come ready to vote along partisan lines and not to discuss the merit of issues before them,” she said in an interview with BBC.

She added: “It has become increasingly difficult to appear on television to defend positions I disagree with in the name of collective responsibility. I do not want to be a party to such a mockery to electoral integrity.”

Following her resignation from IEBC, Akombe resumed her job at the United Nations headquarters in New York, where she is attached to the Political Affairs Department.


  1. The key word is even if she…
    The key word is even if she exposes what will Kenyans do? We know the elections were rigged just like in the elections before that. The local newspapers exposes daily thefts in the name of tenders by the govt but still nothing is done. One day Kenyans will revolt and awake the sleeping giant

  2. Nobody is interested with…
    Nobody is interested with your garbage Akombe. No permanent enemies in politics. After handshake enemies turned into good buddies.

    • Wacha zako wewe. Be told…
      Wacha zako wewe. Be told Today and Forever that: TRUTH never die(s). Kwani Kenya na Wakenya ni wa Mama zenu wewe na Maxiley?

      • Akombe is scared to corona…
        Akombe is scared to corona virus in NY and want to go back to Jamuhuri. She want her job back in Kenya.

      • We know the drill now,…
        We know the drill now, Guest1. Facts and Circumstances don’t matter, when coming to an Opinion. Only Tribe and Gender matters. And Akombe has the best possible combination for a positive review… She can do no wrong… After all, She is Luo, and she is a Woman. Case Closed.

  3. Akombe, you could have…
    Akombe, you could have helped us greatly with all that inside information you were prevy to but you chose to run away. Our country and people have struggled greatly to find meaning in our freedom and liberty, or lack thereof. Your contribution at this time would be too little too late. It’s best you keep your mouth shut and enjoy the ransom you pocketed when you sold our country to the highest bidder. Stay with the UN and enjoy the fatness of the earth but never forget that you are because we are and we are because you are. Country and people first – be blessed.

  4. You will probably be the…
    You will probably be the next unsolved mysterious death in Kenya. You are here dealing with murderers, assassin’s, ethnic cleansers etc. Just let it be

  5. If all Kenyans were like…
    If all Kenyans were like this lady Kenya would be like the US of bygone days.

  6. At this point and time,…
    At this point and time, Akombe you are irrelevant. The handshake did it all, too late for you. If you want to stay relevant dig up a better strategy. I feel for you.

  7. I would her to explain the…
    I would her to explain the relationship of her work at UN and Kenya. Did she make it clear in her application that she would be on loan from UN? Was it a clean exchange or a dirty one where only UN knew of the dual hat?

  8. What are waiting for?? What…
    What are waiting for?? What you may have known then is dirty water under the fast moving bridge.

    You deserted women and little girls who looked up to you to do the right thing! You are no longer an example for the young end to look up to.

    You have nothing important to reveal! What you may think you have is gossip, rumors, innuendos, and a bunch of sh$t to say the least!

    Your time to tell us anything has lapsed, gone with the winds, and you should be very ashamed of yourself as a person! Your word is doomed completely useless and unreliable!

    Had you been a military general, you would have been court martialed for deserting the battle field and more important the junior soldiers under your command!

    Do me and all Kenyans a big favor, just get lost and take what you think you may know to the grave! You are merely an article of no commercial value. Stop make weird allegations to tune your horns!! Your time is finito!

  9. Akombe was part of the…
    Akombe was part of the elections rigging on whatever side she was playing the game! She got caught and then ran away before the rid on her secrets of rigging were blown open.

    She now has not moral voice to play an angel to tell Kenyans some lies to redeem her moral character! She is a woman of no moral values and convictions! Hang with your UN job, and stop pestering Kenyans!

    We have moved on and we urge your selfish self to move on! No one is interested in your rabbit tales of how big the giants in the Amazon are!

    You need to stay away with your mouth shut because you lost the battle all together! What did you think about the safety of Kenyans that you left behind when you ran away to hide in America!? Kenya survived and will continue to survive without your madness!

    The gods ( your demon gods) must be very crazy if you think anyone wants to hear from your whinny voice! Go away, please go away and never return back to Kenya! You are not welcome back here; go away, go!!

  10. I want to hear what she has…
    I want to hear what she has to say. Some things only make sense long after their events have concluded…

    • Akombe’s secrets are not…
      Akombe’s secrets are not here nor there! It is nothing short of pure gossip! That is exactly what Akombe has in her skirts.

      She has nothing worth listening to; it is all cooked and hyped nonsense!! She has nothing that makes sense.

      The only concluded event is that she ran away and disappeared into the thin air; and she is now forgotten! That is a well document fact!

      She probably wants her IEBC job back to run away from the coronavirus infested state of NY! She is known for running away whenever trouble hits! Chebukati, be warned Akombe wants your job!

  11. All I can say to Achombe is…
    All I can say to Achombe is to simply let the sleeping ? dogs lie! She has been a sleeping dog and she can continue sleeping and does not need to wake up now!

    You have nothing essential to offer to the Kenyan people. Keep sleeping as you chose to do when you ran away in 2017 from the real issues that required your attention and solutions!

    Please, keep on lying down and don’t wake up! You still belong to the floor where you chose to lie!

  12. Stop pouring salt on our…
    Stop pouring salt on our healing wounds, Akombe! You took off to your little house in New York and left us to suffer. You evacuated all your family and left the rest of us Kenyans to fight for our dear lives in the cold uncertainties of politics. We no longer claim you to be ours here in Kenya.

    You lost our trust and confidence in you! Your credibility is dead right in a very shallow grave – buried and forgotten! It is that very simple! You have no secret details regarding 2017 elections to tell us. We don’t want to hear your secret details now.

    Be advised we do not want to hear what is now itching you. Keep it to your self; you are a traitor!

  13. What purpose does it serve?…
    What purpose does it serve? You botched everything. Or do you want to get back your job with the Electoral Commission? You are a total disgrace. If you did not speak then, shut up now.

  14. It is terrible that Akombe…
    It is terrible that Akombe can now want to tell her story on the 2017 elections.

    The Supreme court nullified those elections because of the irregularities in them.

    Akombe and other commissioners just earned money to do nothing but oversee crap! Chris Msando even lost his life and the Akombes just ran away back overseas!

    Just keep quiet forever Akombe! Raila A.Odinga and President Uhuru Kenyatta are now friends through the handshake.

  15. It is terrible that Akombe…
    It is terrible that Akombe can now want to tell her story on the 2017 elections.

    The Supreme court nullified those elections because of the irregularities in them.

    Akombe and other commissioners just earned money to do nothing but oversee crap! Chris Msando even lost his life and the Akombes just ran away back overseas!

    Just keep quiet forever Akombe! Raila A.Odinga and President Uhuru Kenyatta are now friends through the handshake.

  16. Akombe – you are seeking…
    Akombe – you are seeking self relevance into irrelevancies of your hyped disappearance in 2017 when needed you most to do the right thing. Stay where you ran to. We don’t need you now. Goodbye!

  17. @akombe – your name will…
    @akombe – your name will forever betray you wherever you are in this beautiful world! Keep wearing your silly miniskirts and leave Kenyans alone! You are a creature of the lowest moral caliber and no one wants to hear your bogged nonsense ever!

    There is something more important and bigger in life than self pity and personal safety! Mark my humble words; Kenyans do not want to hear your cooked gossips of 2017 now, tomorrow and forever, Amen!!

    You are a cursed woman for betraying Kenyans at the highest point of our lives! Get this simple fact; you ran away and carried your whole family with you! Some of us fought and some died when you had buried your head in a pretty hole in America! And what can you say to justify your coward behavior? Stop insulting us!!

    Nothing of value you can say! Stop jumping your silly head every time you hear of some political movements in Kenya! You have nothing you can do to help us now; you are just seeking glory for your old self!

    You are the last creature that Kenyans would call upon to stand Up with us in times of need. We don’t seek help from a coward – and you are biggest coward that Kenyans will live to tell the story. You

    You are worse than Trump who called us a “shithole” country! You are the sh&t that Trump was talking about! Stay away because no one needs you here in Kenya!

  18. Akombe – Keep the evil…
    Akombe – Keep the evil smiles off your face!! You make us very mad when we think about what you did to the country! It is not a laughing matter what you did! You betrayed our whole country and all the children! What do you tell those young children who look to adults for tender love, assurances and safety? Stop the smack in your face, damn it!

  19. Ohh poor Akombe, wooiii poor…
    Ohh poor Akombe, wooiii poor you, Akombe!!! Sokoro!!! Stop vexing your weak heart/mind and move on.

    Kenyans have moved on and completely forgotten your betrayal. Now Kenyans are wondering who is this old woman trying to vex our spirits all over again!?

    It is incumbent upon you to leave us alone so we can complete our healing process. And you need to seek whatever psychiatric medical health assistance that you need to heal your inner wounds!

    You seem to be so consumed by guilty conscience for the evil deeds you conceived and carried out; and then you ran away after you had set the house on fire.

    Please do not share your anguished mental pains with us. You created the drama all alone in your simple mind, now deal with the consequences all by yourself!

  20. Does this aging ugly lady…
    Does this aging ugly lady have a male partner to keep her busy?? Evidently she is very lonely ? wherever she is in New York! Get over your day dreaming, nightly hallucinations and find a man to occupy the emptiness that is consuming your heart away! A Iittle dose of sex, love making, or what have you can help you a great deal! Leave us alone – we have all moved on in our own special ways!!

  21. Akombe, did you say, “vows…
    Akombe, did you say, “vows to expose” elections details?? God have mercy on Akombe!

    Ok! Vow to yourself to keep your bitter nonsense in the depth of your weak mind and at the bottom of your jumpy heart!

    Nothing you can say now can redeem you from your cowardice! Your absent mindedness nearly set Kenya on a colossal burning path.

    Luckily, our dear God was all around to protect everyone of us!

    Just wait to tell your aggregating lies on that judgment day to your maker! We don’t want to hear anything from you here on earth!

  22. You are irrelevant. Be gone!…
    You are irrelevant. Be gone!!!!!!!Go away and stay away. No one is interested in your story. You are a traitor simply put. Go play in the traffic. This is 2020.

  23. In my wildest dreams did I…
    In my wildest dreams did I think that Akombe would be the first person to jut out of IEBC in 2017. My gut feelings had lied to me that Chilobe and Chebukati would split and get out of the hot kitchen!

    Akombe looked more assuring than Chebukati as she stood next to him! My gut feelings told me she probably would end up replacing the unsure Chebukati.

    I still don’t understand why Akombe ran away immediately after the killing of Musando! She knew that she was not targeted after Chris had been killed!

    But l have a question for Akombe! It has been rumored that Akombe met with MP Moses Kuria a few days before Musando’s death! What did Akombe discuss with Kuria that led to Chris’ tragic disappearance??

    • @john – the cardinal problem…
      @john – the cardinal problem with you guys you are easily deceived by pretty looking dresses and some hypocritical smiles while all along a woman is secretly planning your demise!

      Akombe’s smiles fooled a lot people (mainly men) as she planned her unceremoniously covert exit from IEBC! I can assure you that even Chebukati and Chilobe had no idea the woman was going to escape!

      Akombe even lies to the IEBC that she was attending a meeting in Addis Ababa on behalf of the people of Kenya. That simply means she still owes the government of Kenya(our tax payers) some money for the air ticket to Ethiopia!

      @john, women can be snakes to devour you as you call them sweet darling!!!

        • Akombe has had several men…
          Akombe has had several men as lovers! But only one man made her attain sexual satisfaction (orgasm). That man made her pregnant at the high tower moment, and she conceived a daughter!

          But she hates his guts because he caused her to have a baby girl out of the wedlock! Which watered down her UN social status as he was of low class.

          He is the only man who could unlock her sexual appetite once again! But he has long been gone beyond the horizon seas! Hence, Akombe will never sleep in the arms of another man. Unless she meets Butos Butos Ali Gali!! Social status first for the Luo old lady!!

      • Surely Im admit she fooled…
        Surely Im admit she fooled me! I had thought, ya, she got a PhD, she seemed focused, she speaks good stuff, and she smelled good from a distance! I judged the “book” by the flowery cover and not by the content inside the pages! And yes @Loren, she got me fooled big time. And funny enough, I’m now left believing everything you have said here about trusting pretty dresses, smacks smiles and some shiny snakes! She is a snake alright!!

  24. It’s good to listen to what…
    It’s good to listen to what she has to say. We have two ears and one mouth so as to hear more and speak less. There are future elections to be held, and if we are to improve their credibility, it’s good to listen to anyone who have been there.

    • As I have said before, men…
      As I have said before, men are easily deceived by women in many aspects of life! It all started with Adam and Eve!

      I am not surprised you still want to be deceived even more by Akombe! This woman has no secrets to tell! Her menopause is the one kicking in at 45 years, causing her to want to lie to gain notariety, mainly with men!

      Believe me, there is nothing significant Akombe can tell you, except more lies! Only men want to be lied to, but women figured this sister out long time ago and they have moved on.

  25. Wow. From the reactions here…
    Wow. From the reactions here, it seems as if it takes a Woman to judge a Woman.

    • Surely it takes a woman to…
      Surely it takes a woman to figure out a canning woman! Had men listened to women in the events leading to Akombe’s disappearance (eloping), we would have told you that Akombe was planning to escape (elope) if we can put it in those terms! There was a way she was behaving that only women knew she was playing some equalizer games.

      Women knew long before hand that she was playing games across the board. She was secretly meeting with the opposition and passing crucial information to them!

      She was also secretly meeting with certain elements with some Jubilee members and passing some false information to seem neutral!

      She also knew a lot about Musando’s planned mishandling! So she betrayed every body without any man suspecting her! Its her nature to be carnaiving in order to get her way! And her way she did get it through naive men! She used you guys!!

  26. The only man in the world…
    The only man in the world that could have figured out Akombe and called her out is Trump!

    This man has the street smarts to understand women and knows how to deal with them! 53% of women voted for Trump after he insulted them many time pronto! Akombe voted for him.

    Trump would have outwitted Akombe way before she ran away. The chemistry between her and Trump is quite magnetic – just look where she ended up – New York! It is called fatal attraction!!!! And it have subdued her!


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