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Nairobi’s J’s Restaurant on the Spot as Staff Admits they Prefer White over Black Customers

Nairobi's J's Restaurant on the Spot as Staff Admits they Prefer White over Black Customers

J’s Fresh Bar and Kitchen in Nairobi is on the spot after its social media manager admitted the eatery prefers white over black customers.

Taking to social media, a Kenyan customer identified as Monique Kemboi complained that she is normally treated differently at the restaurant.

“Sometimes I have experienced racial bias where they attend to Whites and Indians faster than Africans which is saddening because we are in Kenya and in 2019 people, this should not be an issue but noted,” she posted on Instagram.

Through its Instagram page, J’s Fresh Bar and Kitchen responded to Ms. Kemboi by admitting that they favor white customers.

“This exists all over Kenya not just J’s. It’s about tip culture, not racism. All restaurant owners know this and it’s important to state the truth,” the restaurant explained.

J’s Fresh Bar and Kitchen later pulled down the response after outrage by Kenyans online.

In a statement on Thursday, the restaurant clarified that it does not entertain any form of discrimination.

“We are committed to standing up to all forms of discrimination in Kenya, whether this be racial, gender, religious, age, disability or sexual orientation.”

“Notices will be placed in our establishments stating our zero tolerance policy to any form discriminatory behavior or harassment of any form whether this may be from any member of staff, patrons or any external security services deployed,” it noted.


  1. Not surprised at all…it’s…
    Not surprised at all…it’s quite frustrating to patronize an establishment where you don’t feel welcome at all. I have been to Js a couple of times and the preference for white patrons is quite obvious. Brew Bistro and to some extent Havana gives you a similar vibe. That said, I was in a KQ flight from Paris to Nairobi two weeks ago and the behavior of four US diaspora women was quite embarrassing. They sat directly behind me and were not only loud but complained endlessly about food, drinks and the smell of food. In my opinion, the service and quality of food was just fine. The flight was full and 75% non Kenyan….no one else was complaining. In fact, the guy serving our area kept checking with me and other Kenyans in my area whether we were fine….

  2. We must teach our people…
    We must teach our people about patriotism: devotion and vigorous love for country and people. Discriminating your people because of a few coins in tip is ill advised and evil. The Caucasians you favor because of their deep pockets have taken advantage of you through out time and continue to do so even now. These restaurants need to know that when Caucasian visitors stop coming, when they’re issued a terrorism alert and quit coming to the country, all your business will depend on the locals you despise and discriminate. By treating them special, you’re degrading your people who continue to believe that Caucasians are superior to us. Your small tip will perpetuate the harmful perception that we as Africans are inferior and stupid that, we prefer the red skinned people rather than our own beautiful and magnificent selves.

  3. Ni bayana kwamba J’S Fresh…
    Ni bayana kwamba J’S Fresh Bar and Kitchen imemilikiwa na Mhindi kutoka India jimbo la Gujarati. Wahindi kutoka Gujarati hawafichi chuki dhiki ya yeyote aliye na ngozi nyeusi. Ikiwa wewe umewahi kuajiliwa na Mhindi, au kusoma na Mhindi au pia kuishi nao kama jirani, basi utanielewa vizuri. Wahindi wanaoishi mitaa kama vile Parklands na Westlands ni baadhi tu ya Wahindi hawa ambao wamezaliwa na kulelewa na kasumba kwamba, mtu mweuzi ni mwizi, muuaji, mnyama, na asiye jiheshimu yeye mwenyewe. Maneno ya matusi na kumdunisha Mkenya mweusi kama vile, “Veve konda, ve hakna akili, veve jinga kama mama yako, veve bure kama nugu” ni kawaida ambayo imekubalika tangu jadi. Ni miaka kadhaa iliyopita kule Parklands ambako mpangaji nyumba za kukodisha alipoweka ilani ikisema kwamba, “Hii ni nyumba ya kukodisha, walaji vyakula vya mboga mboga pekee ndio wanaohitajika.” Baadaye kukatokea kisa ambacho Mhindi mwenye hotel maarufu Nairobi alinukuliwa akisema kwamba Waafrika wote ni nugu za mtini, eti na aliye na shauku na matamshi yake aende ahela.” Serikali ilikaa kimya kuhusu matamshi hayo. Wakati kijana Mluhya walipopendana na binti ya alikokuwa akifanya kazi, jamaa ya msichana huyo walizusha rabsha. Miezi kadhaa baadaye, jamaa yake walimnyakua binti yao kimabavu na niandikayo hayo, msichana huyo angali anaishi kwao India pahala pasipojulikana. Ni majuzi tu ambapo Mchina mmoja, alipomtusi rais Uhuru kwa kumuita nugu bila kubanyeza jicho lake. Ni muhimu serikali ya Kiafrika, na haswa Kenya, kuweka mikakati na sheria ambazo zitawaadhibu wageni wanaotembea au kufanya biashara nchini mwetu. Shida ni kuwa, jambo ambalo halimguzi au kumfaidi kiongozi binafsi halitiliwi maanani. Wahindi hawa, Wachina hawa, Waarabu hawa…Wazungu hawa wanajua hivyo ipasavyo. Diposa Mwafrika ataendelea kulaaniwa na kudharauliwa kokote aliko, hata Marekani.

    • Sisi wakenya tunaabudu pesa…
      Sisi wakenya tunaabudu pesa..kwahivyo hata wageni wakitudhulumuni hatujali bora walipe. Kama huniamini huyo mzungu akakataa kulipa ataona rabsha mbaya. Imekuwa kazi yetu ni kuchoreshwa saba na kupewa rupia kidogo ya kujifutia machozi na makamasi na manii..

  4. I do understand where they…
    I do understand where they are coming from. If I was a waiteress, I’d also want to cater to the customer who tips me. Tiping is a common practice here in the West and the westerners carry that practice to the foreign countries they visit. Kenyans are not big on tipping and if they do it’s very small. So I do understand why they say it’s all about the tips.

    • @Kenya, if management is…
      @Kenya, if management is aware that africans dont tip much by vitue of their”culture”, then why dont they institute apolicy of having affixed percentage appended to the total?Please also note that there are some africans who give bigger tips than wazungu,and you cannt tell by their skin color.I would be insulted if I go to a restaurant and get the feel that Iam not preferred… but the good thing about capitalism is competition.For the customer…

  5. Suluhisho:
    Wenye mkahawa…


    Wenye mkahawa/mgahawa waweke bakshishi (tip) kwenye bei ya chakula. Desturi hii inafanyika sana nchi za Yuropa.

    • True…unless of course the…
      True…unless of course the management wants to fukuza the mwaafrica by treating them badly.
      I say, wakenya should vamia hii hoteli for tea and mandazi only…wakae waagize, OCCUPY SEATS if they are ignored they should COMPLAIN without shame…NO TIPS GIVEN. Social media is a good organizer, #ourhotelourchoice. Soon the message will be clear…

      • The mhindi will get police…
        The mhindi will get police from Kileleshwa police station who will evict the africans in the most inhumane and embarrassing way possible. Proving once again that Kenyans have no self respect.

        • Then the Kenyans should…
          Then the Kenyans should picket…. waliokuamo na washiokuamo. These idiotic foreigners should start fearing some repercussion of sorts from the public.

  6. when you get there and they…
    when you get there and they treat you like you are nothing, you let management know and walk out! No time for nonsense period. Kenyans have the right to be treated right in their country. Kenyans stop going to the damn place and also have a picket line hapo inje, the owner ought to be emabarassed!!

    • Picket, yes. Walking out is…
      Picket, yes. Walking out is what these stupid ‘kenyan’ foreigners want….they’ll own Kenya and soon we will have WHITE SKIN ONLY designated areas.

  7. Kenya government need to put…
    Kenya government need to put laws in place. I support Imara. Tips should be included in food prices. Restaurants should not discriminate against locals. (Superiority is just pure lies) and should not be entertained- This will eventually lead to MauMau II. This is a repeat of colonial systems which will and cannot work in Kenya. Not in 2019 when people are awake. We need to learn from our fellow so called “black brothers” in the west who have been subjected to such treatment for four hundred years. They are just now waking up and breaking the chains of slavery. Such behavior of holding another human being as superior is old fashion and outdated. Superiority is based on lies as no one is “white” (they are Edormites) and no one is “black” (they are Hebrew Israelites).
    If the restaurant fails to treat people equally, it should close down!!

  8. Mwafrika amefunzwa kudharau…
    Mwafrika amefunzwa kudharau ndugu yake bila cujus wengi wa hawa wageni hawana hela. nilishuhudia hii tabia nilipotembea Mombasa mwaka jana. ni haibu kweli.

  9. With thousands of…
    With thousands of restaurants in Nairobi you can spend your money where you are treated right

    • It’s a sad predicament. If…
      It’s a sad predicament. If you look at countries where giving a tip is mandatory, the customer service is impeccable. In Kenya, giving tips is not mandatory and personally I will tip only where the waiter or waitress has earned it by their service. Kenyans should just boycott Js kitchen and bar. We have so many other restaurants and pubs

  10. I want money but I also want…
    I want money but I also want dignity..but I want money more…in fact I will sacrifice my dignity if the money is good…Everyone has a price..everyone…you too. Tough nuggets to swallow but true.

    • There is no way icould be a…
      There is no way icould be a porn actor.No matter how much money iam offered.

  11. Ile ujinga iko Kenya

    Ile ujinga iko Kenya
    please if that’s your policy, Kindly close your business and go to those countries where you will get your preferred clientele!


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