Home LIFESTYLE NEWS Kenyan Woman, 28, Gives Birth to Quintuplets

Kenyan Woman, 28, Gives Birth to Quintuplets

Kenyan Woman, 28, Gives Birth to Quintuplets

A 28-year-old Kenyan woman has given birth to quintuplets.

Evelyn Namukhula has delivered the five babies at Kakamega General Hospital on Wednesday.

Namukhula, who is now a mother of nine children delivered the three girls and two boys through a Caesarean Section (CS).

Namukhula lives with her hearing disabled husband Herbert Wawire in Sisokhe village, Navakholo Constituency.

In 2017, another Kenyan woman in Homa Bay County also gave birth to quintuplets.

30-year-old Jacinta Akinyi Ochieng delivered the babies that weighed between 1.6 to 1.9 kilograms. She was seven months pregnant at the time of delivery.

Last year, a 28-year-old father of twins collapsed at the hospital after learning that his wife, Jacinta Mwihaki, 30, had given birth to triplets.

Francis Gitau from Narok County said he was worried how he would manage to raise the children, citing meager income.

Gitau and Mwihaki were already parents to four-year-old twins.


  1. Congratulations to the…
    Congratulations to the couple. I was curious to know whether the father of the quintuplets has ran for the hills only to read he is deaf. Guess he hasn’t heard the good news yet.

    • @Mugikuyu, you made me…
      @Mugikuyu, you made me chuckle there. Don’t worry am sure he has seen the good news.

  2. Kakamega General Hospital…
    Kakamega General Hospital cannot afford clothing for the quintuplets. I’m sure they’re waiting for a family member to buy.

  3. sounds good news but a close…
    sounds good news but a close look I have issue with the pics kindly the little ones needed descent privacy a good picture from a good angle. pull the current one down

  4. Huyu mama sasa ana watoto…
    Huyu mama sasa ana watoto tisa: Je, ana shamba la kutosha kulima chakula cha kutosha ili watoto wasilale na njaa? Ana pesa za kutosha kuwanunulia nguo na kuwapa mahali pazuri pa kulala? Ana pesa za kutosha kuwasomesha watoto hawa wote ili wapate elimu ya kuwasaidia kwenye maisha yao ya siku za usoni? Ana nyumba ya kutosha ili kila mtoto apate kitanda chake na matandiko (beddings) yanayofaa? Au ataanza kuombaomba na kufanya maadui iwapo watu watakataa kumsaidia kuwalea watoto wengi ambao amewaleta duniani hii ngumu?

    Kitabu kichafu kinachoitwa biblia katika Mwanzo {Genesis} 26: 4 kinasema, watu wazaane na kuwa wengi kama nyota za mbinguni. Lakini nyota za mbinguni haziendi shuleni wala kula chakula au kuvaa nguo.

    Ni muhimu watu wazae watoto kulingana na mapato yao. Watoto wasiwe zaidi ya wawili. Na pia, mwanamume asizae na zaidi ya mke mmoja. Maoni yangu ni kuwa, wakati mwingine, si lazima waliooana (mume na mke) wazae watoto!

    • If she is a Christian, she…
      If she is a Christian, she ain’t going to Slow down any time; for she has to keep on “going on to Multiply to Fill the Earth.” I support her in Christ Jesus.?

  5. @Sober: Kuwa mkristo ni…
    @Sober: Kuwa mkristo ni hali mbaya sana. Hata inapita wanaotumia madawa ya kulevya. Mtu mzima kuamini ya kwamba kuna moto baada ya kufa, ni hali ya kuchanganyikiwa. Mimi situmii madawa ya kulevya hata kidogo. Lakini kulingana na mawazo na fikira za wafuasi wa dini hii, hali ya kuwa mkristo inapita ubaya akilini kuliko mtu anayetumia kokeini au heroini. Kwa nini? Anayetumia madawa ya kulevya hali yake hubadilika na kuwa nzuri kidogo madawa hayo yanapoisha nguvu zake mwilini. Lakini kuwa mkristo au mwislamu ni kuchanganyikiwa 24/7.

    Kuna umaskini mwingi sana duniani kutokana na idadi kubwa ya watu. Niliposoma maoni yako ya kwamba mama huyu aendelee kuzaa watoto mpaka duniani ijae, inaonyesha dhahiri ya kwamba, hali ya kuchanganyikiwa ndiyo inayotawala mawazo ya watu wanaofikiria kama wewe juu ya jambo la kuzaana kama mchwa.


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