Home KENYA NEWS Kenya Recalls Ambassador to Somalia as Relationship Between the Two Countries Turns...

Kenya Recalls Ambassador to Somalia as Relationship Between the Two Countries Turns Sour

Kenya Recalls Ambassador to Somalia as Relationship Between the Two Countries Turns Sour

Kenya has recalled its envoy to Somalia Lt. Gen. Lucas Tumbo as the diplomatic row between the two neighboring countries appears to turn ugly.

Kenya has accused Somalia of auctioning oil and gas blocks located in disputed territory to the United Kingdom.

In a strongly worded statement on Saturday, Foreign Affairs Principal Secretary Macharia Kamau says that the federal government of Somalia carelessly disregarded internationally accepted norms of boundary disputes resolution as well as political and diplomatic agreements in making the move.

“The Federal Government of Somalia has sadly demonstrated that it has not yet attained and embraced political maturity and diplomatic stance of a normal, well-adjusted and properly functioning modern government,” Macharia says.

PS Kamau has further termed the move by Somalia as ‘tragic and regretful.’

The auction for oil and gas blocks in the disputed territory allegedly took place in London on February 7th, 2019.

Kamau accuses the Somali government of taking for granted the support Kenya has offered it through political and humanitarian hardships.

“Kenya has stood with Somalia without once flinching on its responsibility to its neighbor nor shirking in its international responsibility to the people of Somalia,” he adds.

In a strongly worded statement, PS Macharia says that Kenya regrets the action as Somalia has “severely undermined existing cordial and brotherly relations between the two countries.”

Somalia ambassador to Kenya has also been ordered to leave the country.


  1. Whoever got the auctioned…
    Whoever got the auctioned blocks from Somalia looked at the map, did their due diligence and so that Kenya had no grounds.Somebody is trying to grab land and we know which country is led by land grabbers. The map shows the Kenya no basis to dispute that the land belongs to Somalia.

    • It’s high Time that Kenya…
      It’s high Time that Kenya stopped playing Oxymoron. In other Words:If Somalia is Enemy State, Kenya should get KDF out of there right Now.?

  2. This wakoloni want us to…
    This wakoloni want us to fight so that they can get somewhere to sell their weapons. How can they allow such a transaction to be done in their country.

    • It was either the UK or…
      It was either the UK or China, I mean kenya government.

      I hope Somali kicks out KDF.

  3. Why did has Kenya “accused…
    Why did has Kenya “accused Somalia of auctioning oil and gas blocks located in disputed territory to the United Kingdom”?
    Because Duale and some Mangamangaras were BUSY doing Sugar and Charcoal bluff across the Boarder.

  4. Isn’t it time to have a…
    Isn’t it time to have a change of government in Somalia?. Kenya has means and ability to bring that change. The West does it all the time to unfriendly governments and Kenya, a big emulator of the West, should follow it’s footsteps. Thousands of Kenyans have been killed and maimed in the name of bringing stability in Somalia. The economic toll the Somalians have caused to Kenya has also been devastating with close to five million Somalian refuges, two million of them in Debab refuge camp alone, continuing to drain Kenya’s limited resources and presenting potential terrorism nightmare for the Kenyan security agencies. Islamic terrorism is imbedded in Somalian culture and each Somalian can easily be turned into a terrorist because of their association with Wahabi brand of Islam. Somalian also considers themselves non-African and are extremely hostile to non-Somalians or Ethiopian in their country. They call non-Somalian Kenyans Kaffir. Kenya should withdraw from Somalia and annex a big chunk of it’s territory in order to create a buffer zone and build a wall to separate the two countries, much as President Trump is doing in US-Mexican border. Left alone Somalians will kill each other until the last them. Kenya’s cowardness invites bully countries to violate it’s sovereignty. Case in point is Kenya’s Migingo island now occupied by Uganda and Kenya’s Ilemi Triangle which South Sudan now want to occupy. Somalia is a Banana republic and historically arch enemy of Kenya. Kenya should send a stern warning to those buyers that they will NEVER be allowed to set their in Kenya’s territory

    • Kenya (with its Corruption)…
      Kenya (with its Corruption) can’t bring Change in Somalia. It’s too Busy doing Sugar and Charcoal magendo, etc on the Boarder (misusing KDF).

  5. Somalia should kick out KDF…
    Somalia should kick out KDF.
    Landgrabbing , steaming oil reserves and Selling charcoal is not fighting terrorism.They are a bunch of liars and thieves.

    As for Daadab, Once Secession goes through we will intergrate all the refugees in the communities they live in.

    Unlike the current Kenya government that is terrorizing Kenyans and harassing refugees, the people’s Republic of Kenya will integrate All the refugees in communities they live in.Because we are progressive and forward thinkers.

    The US,UK and All their allies will support secession because it is in their Best interest.


  6. Wacha public stunts bwana…
    Wacha public stunts bwana Machaa. If you truly want to cut ties, rudisha KDF nyumbani halafu funga Dadaab.

    • The international community…
      The international community pays rent for Daadab camp.
      The Kenya government should stop holding Refugee camps as hostages.

  7. If the land is disputed,…
    If the land is disputed, Kenya should put injection on it with the world court and the African Union. Such a move ought to frustrate any exploiters from any performance until there is a resolution to the true ownership of the land in dispute.

  8. those blocks were probably…
    those blocks were probably auctioned by Kenyans, using the Somali govt as a safe conduit to avoid the uhuru and his economic mafia from taking all of them anyway

  9. Dr koni, what do you mean??…
    Dr koni, what do you mean?? Is Ilemi Triangle belongs to Kenya ?? your a lies it’s South Sudan ?? territory my friend that’s ridiculous for you to say get away with your corruption Kenya ??


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