Home LIFESTYLE NEWS Businessman Robbed Sh500,000 at Nairobi’s Thika Road Mall Parking Lot in Broad...

Businessman Robbed Sh500,000 at Nairobi’s Thika Road Mall Parking Lot in Broad Daylight

Businessman Robbed Sh500,000 at Nairobi's Thika Road Mall Parking Lot in Broad Daylight

A Kiambu businessman has narrated how robbers stole more than Sh500,000 and other items from his car at a popular shopping mall in Nairobi in broad daylight.

Eric Ndichu, alias Ka-virginia, says he checked into Thika Road Mall (TRM) at around 1:30pm and parked his car at the shopping complex rooftop parking lot.

He then proceeded to a Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB) branch premised in the mall to withdraw some cash.

“l went to TRM’s rooftop parking and headed to KCB bank around 1:30 p.m where I withdrew Ksh565, 000 before the early closing hours of banks,” he says.

After making the withdrawal, he took the cash to his car, put it underneath the driver’s seat before going back to the mall for other business.

On coming back, he found one of the car’s window smashed with blood stains all over and the cash, together with other valuables including phones and laptops  stolen.

“Opening the door, I found all the money, phones, laptops and other valuables stolen,” he states.

CCTV footage obtained by DCI officers investigating the incident shows five people, including four men and a woman, trailing him from the time he arrives at the shopping complex.

One of them is seen smashing the window and sustaining injuries in the process as a second robber enters the car to take the cash and other valuables. The five quickly leave the mall in a white Nissan Tilda, registration number KCM 631X.

Ndichu has threatened to sue the mall’s management over the incident, noting that they should have warned shoppers to park at their own risk. He reported the incident at the Kasarani Directorate of Criminal Investigations office.

The tycoon, who has interests in the construction industry, has set his eyes on Githunguri parliamentary seat in the next election.



  1. Hata wewe boss in broad…
    Hata wewe boss in broad daylight in +254 withraw iyo pesa yote uweke kwa gari then go back again be gratefull mall ilikuwa na cctv i dont know where on earth you park at the owner;s Risk..you were lucky they did not use force on you Mungu alikudirect back to mall.

  2. “He put KSh 560,000 under…
    “He put KSh 560,000 under driver’s seat before going back into the mall for other business”. Case dismissed with costs. Obviously money doesn’t cure stupidity.

  3. Kikuyu’s support thieves and…
    Kikuyu’s support thieves and stealing.
    Kalenjin also glorify thieves.

    So, these two tribes should stop their hypocrisy.They were just robbed by fellow Kikuyus.

    If you support thieves, don’t cry when you get robbed by the same people.

    • Feel better now that you…
      Feel better now that you have yet again insulted your two most hated tribes? Kikuyus and Kalenjins must give you sleepless nights. I bet you walk around and smile at people in both communities only to come online to spew your nonsense.

      • What she means is this:…
        What she means is this: Upandacho ndicho Uvunacho; Malipo ni Hapa duniani; Ukipanda Dhuluma, Utavuna Dhuluma; na Ukipanda mema, Utavuna mema.

        • Fellow Kikuyu/Kalenjin hater…
          Fellow Kikuyu/Kalenjin hater, how comes it’s not tribal when Obado is arrested on suspicion of murder, Sonko messes up Nairobi and Joho is suspected of dealing? By trying to dim someone else’s light, it never illuminates yours…you two have issues and you overcompensate by spewing hate.

      • Kikuyu’s say stealing is…
        Kikuyu’s say stealing is part of their culture.

        Everybody and their mother knows this.

        They have never denied it.

        That’s why I fail to understand why Kikuyu’s complain about stealing.Its their culture and they have never tried to end the culture of stealing.

    • Dirty Diana, what are you…
      Dirty Diana, what are you mad about? The fact that Ndichu withdrew 500K from the bank and obviously left much more or you are mad that the crime was committed by the said thugs?

      • @ Mugikuyu…. am not mad…
        @ Mugikuyu…. am not mad.

        Am just saying kikuyu should stop their hypocrisy.

        You cannot support thieves and killers then come and complain that you have been robbed.

        Why are kikuyu complaining about Mungiki? Are they not the ones supporting people accused of crimes against humanity??

        Stop the hypocrisy kikuyu’s.
        Same with Kalenjin’s.

  4. Do people still carry such…
    Do people still carry such huge amount of money? I thought people use modern technology like wire-transfer, M-Pesa etc

  5. looking at some comments…
    looking at some comments hapa you would ask yourself if people are illiterate..kutoka lini usiweke valuables kwa gari?..Its your car,your money..you paid for parking in a well recognized mall..the people talking trash here have never owned car nonetheless a bicycle…you can put whatever you want in it,no caps…alipwe,tht is indecent behavior in a recognized mall…

  6. At Diana…your hate is…
    At Diana…your hate is exposing your ignorance. I am a Kikuyu and proud of it. And for your information, I am NOT a thief, so don’t generalise the way you do. As for this guy robbed, I sympathise, but he is equally ignorant by stating the mall management should put a sign warning motorists of risks. Risks are everywhere. When you get out of bed, out of your front door…you have to manage these risks responsibly. He has no case unless the mall management had a counter sign declaring and assuring of total security. The lawyers (thieves as well) will fleece him dry if he takes the mall on!

  7. Pole Sana Brother, it’s sad…
    Pole Sana Brother, it’s sad to have you run on this kind of robbery.But May The LORD help to solve this out.

    But Kenya Needs To Repent In Christ Jesus Name..These Are Your Sins Kenya;

    Etc The List Is So Long!

    But God Had Judged These Sins Before, And It Will Surprise Mankind Again When He Will Suddenly Judge You The Unrepentant Heart , The One Who He Is Fairing Well With Whatever Wealth And Tittles He Has….Judge Is Coming The Ultimate One …There Is No Way You Will Corrupt That Righteous Judge Who Is Coming To Have You Escape….But Now You All The Time To Make Choice ….For The LORD He Is Measured For You The Years To Search For Him!

    JEREMIAH 8:22


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