Home KENYA NEWS Joseph Gikonyo: Puzzle of KRA Officer’s Sh650 Million Wealth from Sh100,000 Monthly...

Joseph Gikonyo: Puzzle of KRA Officer’s Sh650 Million Wealth from Sh100,000 Monthly Salary

Joseph Gikonyo: Puzzle of KRA Officer's Sh650 Million Wealth from Sh100,000 Monthly Salary

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has commenced probe into how a Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) employee has managed to amass wealth of Sh650 million.

Joseph Chege Gikonyo, who is on Sh119, 617 monthly salary at the tax agency, accumulated wealth worth 650 million over a period 18 years, according to The Standard

EACC detectives have interrogated the little known multi-millionaire over the source of his wealth. Gikonyo is said to have began working at the KRA in 1998 as junior tax collector with a starting monthly salary of 24,369, before rising to a manager in Eldoret. 

Preliminary investigation by EACC show that Gikonyo earns a net salary of Sh119,617 per month as a manager and his declared assets are estimated at Sh61 million. 

On July 20th, EACC filed an application at the High Court seeking to have Gikonyo’s bank accounts frozen pending completion of investigation into his mysterious fortune.

His accumulative earnings in 20 years totals to Sh45 million, raising integral questions on how he got the Sh615 million balance of his wealth.

 High Court Justice Hedwig Ong’udi has issued an order freezing his accounts and barring Gikonyo or any member of his family from selling their properties or assets until EACC’S probe into the source of his wealth is concluded.

Gikonyo has several properties worth millions in Nairobi, Mombasa, Kwale and Kilifi listed under his name. He says he is a tea farmer and accumulated his wealth through business ventures.

A detective said the tax officer has failed to produce documents to prove how he amassed the wealth from his businesses. He is also alleged to have been evading taxes despite being a KRA officer.

“Investigations revealed that at some point, Gikonyo and his wife were making huge cash deposits into their account in tranches of Sh200,000 almost daily. They could not explain the source of such deposits, which made us believe the amounts were proceeds of crime,” said James Kariuki, EACC’s forensic investigator.

“The assessment report revealed that they owed taxes totalling Sh38 million. They are involved in corruption offences of dishonesty and tax evasion and must be made to surrender to the Government whatever they have illegally acquired,” said Kariuki.


  1. Let’s see justice not only…
    Let’s see justice not only for this young tax thief but the big fish as well., what’s up with NYS any convictions yet? Ruto et al also known as hustler let’s get serious with some issues if you cant interrogate Ruto or NYS thief’s you just a quit this small timer.,

    • Don’t expect Devils to sue…
      Don’t expect Devils to sue Demons. They’re Birds of a Feather; both Ordained by Satan (Author abd Finisher of CORRUPTION).

  2. The culture of theft and…
    The culture of theft and impunity has robbed many Kenyans a modicum of descent life. Kids sleep and go to school with empty stomach while tycoon pay up hefty bribes instead of the actual tax due. Politicians who have never held down a real job become instant millionaires cautsey of billions year marked for various public projects across the nation that end up in their pockets. Our politicians build mansions, own helicopters, drive luxury European latest model-automobiles while our children suffer and even die of common curable diseases because the resources that could have been available to thee are hijacked by the hoarders- those entrusted in their safe custody. The fight against corruption should be fought in the streets, every town and hamlet by every mwananchi because this is a fight for our lives. We need community organisers to step up and engage the masses in this struggle. The leaders we’re looking up to for help to end corruption have already taken their fat share of the loot. Others are lined up at the eating trough cleaning us up. Therefore, their help cannot be genuine.

  3. About time to go after all…
    About time to go after all fraudsters no matter where they exist.

  4. This is huge too. the KRA,…
    This is huge too. the KRA, police etc but it is us who bribe. Instead of paying taxes to the government , we enrich an individual because we want to steal too. Gickonyo stole with tax payers the tax payer who did not pay what belongs to Kaiser was stealing too

    • In this case, no one wins…
      In this case, no one wins. Even if we paid taxes to the government, it all ends up in individual pockets. Gikonyo has done what he sees his government do.

  5. Hunter is becoming the…
    Hunter is becoming the hunted. Let us face it, Kenyans are just thieves, period. Place five in those compromised situations with lots of money on the table and you will be lucky to find one walking away from the “deal”; put it simply, thievery. Currently, Kenya has surpassed Nigeria and now it is now in third place when it comes to corruption behind Sierra Leone and Liberia. The first two have gone through civil war so you would expect chaos before everything under control.. For Kenya, the habit is by default; can’t blame politicians cos they are part of the larger sample. In any case, those stashing money in their pockets are in mid level jobs. Look at Ruaraka land scandal! Look at NYS. We have to be serious with ourselves.

    • Speak for yourself.Do no…
      Speak for yourself.Do no take others to be thugs because you stole.But i don’t know how some thefts like money paid in taxation and fines can be avoided to reach the treasury.As i write today,90% of fines/taxes paid in Nairobi courts/revenue offices were not banked and will never be banked.That is the trend all over the country.But corruption is made worse when bongolala Kenya place their country and confidence to corrupt people like Uhuru,Kibaki,Ruto or murderers like Moi,Raila,Kabogo etc..

      • @Karing”a, do you want to…
        @Karing”a, do you want to tell us those few you have named are the ones who stole the court money collected after fines were paid? You got to be kidding. You don’t have to look far. Everyone who calls themselves a Kenyan has a relative somewhere who is busy “eating” what is not theirs and if you don’t think so you are not looking hard enough OR you may not know who your relas are. When you call for firing squad your relas would all be paraded and you would be asking yourself why you wished death on others.

  6. Ikiwa watu kama hawa ndio…
    Ikiwa watu kama hawa ndio wanaotaka kuitwa “Mheshimiwa,” sitalitumia neno hili tena!

  7. Mabo ya wizi hayakuanza bada…
    Mabo ya wizi hayakuanza bada ya kupata uhuru 1963, yalianza wakati tulipovamiwa na Waarabu na Wana Yuropa waliokuja kwetu bila kukaribishwa na kuanza vituko vyao.

    Waarabu waliwauza wenzetu kama watumwa na pia kunyakua ardhi iliyoko sehemu za pwani na kuifanya nchi yao. Baada ua kufanya hivyo, walituletea dini ya bandia na kuwalazimisha Wafrika kuslimu na kuwacha mila zao zote na pia majina yao.

    Wanayuropa walifanya kama Waarabu walivyofanya wakati mkuu wa kanisa la kikatoliki alisema ya kwamba, Wafrika hawana “UTU,” kwa hivyo wanaweza kuuzwa sokoni kama njugu karanga. Matokeo yake ni kuwa Wafrika waliouzwa kwenye nchi za Yuropa na pote wanayuropa walipohamia, hata sasa hawajakubaliwa kama ni watu. Wenzetu hawa walipoteza asili yote ya Kiafrika ila kitu kimoja tu – RANGI.

    Baadaye, walowezi walikuja Afrika na kukaa Afrika hata bila kutuambia lengo lao. Walinyakua ardhi (Waingereza, Wafaransa, Wareno, Wadachi, Waspania, Wataliani, na pia Wajerumani) na mababu zetu hawakuwa na la kufanya kwa sababu hawakuwa na silaha kama bunduki za kujikika nao.

    Wanayuropa wale wabaya na pia wabovu sana ni wale waliokuja na bibilia mkononi. Hawana waliweza kuondoa Uafrika wote tuliokuwa nao ila rangi. Hata rangi yenyewe wlijaribu kuiondoa kwa kutuunzia madawa ya kubadilisha rangi yetu. Ubaya wa “wabeba” bibilia ni kuwa, waliondoa silaha ya MWUMBAJI aliyotupa yaani “AKILI” ya kujikinga na uhalifu mwingi wa Wanayuropa kwa kutuambia ya kwamba, ” Ni rahisi maskini kwenda mbinguni kuliko tajiri.” Tajiri ni ndugu yake Lord Delamere ambaye alikuwa amenyakua shamba kubwa sana bila kulipa hata senti moja. Wamisionari ndio walimwua Mwafrika kabisa. Waliondoa mila zetu, majina yetu, lugha zetu, na pia kutufundisha kuona haya/aibu kuwa Mwafrika.
    Wakati huo wote, Wafrika walijifunza uhalifu wa Wanayuropa na jinsi ya kutumia mabavu na nguvu za utawala ili kunyakua ardhi na pia kuwanyanyasa Wafrika wenzao.

    Kwa hiyo, baada ya kupata uhuru, wale wafrika walioanza kutawala kusema kweli, si Wafrika. Ni Wanayuropa kwa akili na fikira zao ila rangi tu!

    Uhalifu tulio nao sasa tulijifunza kutokana na Waarabu na Wanayuropa waliotuvamia na kuharibu kila kitu kinachohusiana na kuwa Mwafrika.

  8. @Imara, very good analysis…
    @Imara, very good analysis. This Western religion has damaged us big time and you would think the Bible would make people feel good about themselves BUT nope. Look at all the white people pictures depicting Jesus,Mary etc.I thought they were Arabs? I have seen a picture where Judas was darker than the rest of them disciples. Oh I have also heard Cain(Abel brother) disappeared into Africa hahaha. This truly does play with our psych. These people came raped Africa, left it for dead but alas, we are still alive and headed towards the second colonization with Chinese. Awful. Write a book, I will buy it.

  9. Good analysis Imara. I wish…
    Good analysis Imara. I wish to reemphasize that the Catholic’s declaration that Africans have no soul, thus can be owned is/was an immoral dogma which caused untold suffering to many a black folks. Anyone who still follows this faith should feel ashamed they still follow it, considering its past connection with fascism, slavery, “no child behind left”, celibacy doctrine, you name it. I feel ashamed having blindly followed this religion, but relieved that I finally broke my mind forged manacles.

  10. Ndugu @Mugikuyu na Ndugu …
    Ndugu @Mugikuyu na Ndugu @Anos:

    Asanteni sana kwa kuandika maneno ya kujenga “utu” wetu ambao hata sasa unazidi kutikiswa na wageni.

    @Mugikuyu, uliposema ya kwamba, “…We are still alive and headed towards the second colonization with Chinese…” ulisema kweli kabisa. Ndugu zetu Wachina wana ubaguzi mwingi wa rangi hata kuliko ndugu zetu wa kutoka Yuropa! Tofauti ya Wachina na Wanayuropa ni kuwa, viongozi wetu ndio waliowaalika Wachina kuja kutufunga minyororo shingoni mwetu na pia akilini mwetu mara ya pili. Taarifa ya jinsi wanavyotutendea tukiwa nyumbani kwetu iliandikwa hivi majuzi juu ya SGR.

    @Anos, nakushukuru sana pia uliposema ya kwamba, “…I feel ashamed having blindly followed this religion, but relieved that I finally broke my mind forged manacles.” Hata mimi nilifanya kama wewe ulivyofanya. Hongera sana Ndugu Anos. Zaidi ya hayo, niliyatupa majina niliyobandikwa wakati nilipopigwa msasa (brainwashed) na kufanywa mfuasi wa dini ya kigeni.

    Mwanasheria Ndugu Gitobu Imanyara alisema, “…The price for freedom is constant vigilance.” Maana yake, usipokuwa macho 24/7 baada ya kupata uhuru, utajikuta kuwa umekuwa “mtumwa” tena.

  11. Hebu oneni asili ya matatizo…
    Hebu oneni asili ya matatizo yetu yanayotokana na Wanayuropa na Wamarekani kutuvamia na kutulazimisha kufuata sera (policy zao potofu. L

    LIBERIA: Siku ya kupata Uhuru – July 26, 1847:

    Ni lazima tuwe macho kila siku ili tusiwe tukawa kama nchi ya Liberia. Someni historia fupi ya Liberia:

    Liberian independence proclaimed
    Share this:
    The Republic of Liberia, formerly a colony of the American Colonization Society, declares its independence. Under pressure from Britain, the United States hesitantly accepted Liberian sovereignty, making the West African nation the first democratic republic in African history. A constitution modeled after the U.S. Constitution was approved, and in 1848 Joseph Jenkins Roberts was elected Liberia’s first president.

    The American Colonization Society was founded in 1816 by American Robert Finley to return freed African American slaves to Africa. In 1820, the first former U.S. slaves arrived at the British colony of Sierra Leone from the United States, and in 1821 the American Colonization Society founded the colony of Liberia south of Sierra Leone as a homeland for former slaves outside British jurisdiction.

    The American Colonization Society came under attack from U.S. abolitionists, who charged that the removal of freed slaves from the United States strengthened the institution of slavery. In addition, most Americans of African descent were not enthusiastic to abandon their native lands in the United States for the harsh West African coast. Nevertheless, between 1822 and the American Civil War, some 15,000 African Americans settled in Liberia. Independence was granted by the United States in 1847, and Liberia aided Britain in its efforts to end the illegal West African slave trade. Official U.S. diplomatic recognition came in 1862.

    With the backing of the United States, Liberia kept its independence though the turmoil of the 20th century. A costly civil war began in 1989 and lasted until 1997, when Charles Taylor was elected Liberian president in free elections. His administration has been criticized for supporting the rebels in neighboring Sierra Leone. Some three million people live in Liberia today.”

    JAMENI: TUPAMBANE NA WIZI, UFISADI, ULAFI, UROHO 24/7 ili tusiwe tukawa kama nchi ya Liberia.


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