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Join Ukarimu, the Leader in Immigrant Bereavement Support

Join Ukarimu, the Leader in Immigrant Bereavement Support

Founding the bereavement program in 2017, Ukarimu has changed the way immigrant families support each other in times of bereavement especially when a loved one dies outside the United States. Our goal, the same today as it was then, is to make bereavement less burdensome by helping our members protect their finances from unexpected travel and funeral costs.

Peace Of Mind
At Ukarimu we walk the talk.  When that moment comes we are there to disburse up to $8,000 within a short amount of time so you don’t have to worry as much about making ends meet. Ukarimu is created precisely for the unique set of challenges our immigrant community faces when a loved one passes away. We know from first hand experience how traumatic and stressful it can be.

Living your days without worrying about how to handle sudden death in the family and the costs that come with it, is the true benefit when you enroll and become a member of Ukarimu. With Ukarimu, you can count on an organization whose foundation is based on empathy and compassion – our core values. No one should have to feel that a tragedy means you are alone. You are NEVER ALONE!

Today, our bereavement program covers members’ relatives (spouse, children, siblings, and parents). When a bereavement support request is made, regardless of where the dependent resided from, Ukarimu will issue a check within 5 days of being notified. Help is within reach. Join us!

Our Commitment Continues

Because we are one of the largest bereavement programs catering to the immigrant community in the U.S., we accept and pay out more bereavement claims than any other immigrant bereavement company.

Your Family is Where Our Heart Is

Since 2017, Ukarimu has become one of the nation’s largest and most versatile service companies. We’re proud to offer this service to our members and their families. Because of our strength, we are currently negotiating with major corporations that provide services that our members frequent like, Airlines, Airbnb in Nairobi, Hotel & Lodgings in Kenya, Beach Hotels in Kenya, and Funeral Homes in Kenya among others to give our members discounts that will range from 10% to 55%. This will be money in your pocket.

Join Ukarimu, The Leader In Immigrant Bereavement Support and soon to be a Discount service leader to our people!

Dr. Acquillahs Muteti
Founder & CEO
Ukarimu, Inc
PO Box 1470,
Fontana, CA 92334
Tel.: (949) 880-5024 (c)
Tel.: (833) UKARIMU (o)
Email: info@ukarimuusa.com or Muteti@ukarimuusa.com
Website: www.ukarimuusa.com



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  1. Have you given any of those…
    Have you given any of those services to Kenyans in USA? Any time a Kenyan die we hear of Harambee to take the body home. I have never heard that they had insurance so no Harambee is needed

    • Yes, we have given these…
      Yes, we have given these services to Kenyans in the USA. So far this year alone we have assisted 11 families with checks of $8,000 each. We are experts in this. Try us!

      • As I know Kenyans they will…
        As I know Kenyans they will do harambee even if they are given insurance money. Harambee ni lazima

  2. Thus is a very good service…
    Thus is a very good service however it took me less than 10min to find it not worthy, first there is over 400$ one time payment, 2nd, for them to give you the said $8000 you need to send a notarized death certificate and proof the relationship, ( how will one proof the kids with mpango wa kando ni wake or what do you mean by that “proof”, am just wondering who has all that time?,) I believe the need is lay the deceased to rest by providing cash immediately but if I have to get the death certificate, it will take at the very best 2 weeks, by this time one is already
    needed back home to assist. I think it’s good idea but may need more streamlining

  3. It is important for us to…
    It is important for us to ascertain they are your children otherwise on our part it is not sustainable! We are a serious organization doing serious work for our immigrant community. Our system of ascertaining relationships is full proof! That’s why we continue helping families.
    Watoto wakando, unfortunately, we can’t help with that.

  4. What separates Ukarimu from…
    What separates Ukarimu from all current and/or previously defunct organizations promising to deliver similar services to the Diaspora? Could Ukarimu be just another outfit that will come and go in a similar fashion to those that have come and gone before our eyes? How much are the monthly dues and how much is the initiation fee? Just asking?

  5. I like this scheme though as…
    I like this scheme though as far as known human beings in particular to Kenyans is that they could come up own underground schemes of registering many relatives as long as they’re able proof and pay the extra $2 dollars just to milk the scheme in the long term.
    Hence my opinion is if the scheme could revisit its idea and only focus on the members dead within the USA to shipped back home would be ideal. This way will also make Kenyans to be aware of their own countryman within they localities just in case of dead or any other issues.

  6. Is this company registered…
    Is this company registered with any state or federal authority. Is the company an insurance or merry go around outfit?


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