Home LIFESTYLE NEWS Kenyans Online Excited by President Kenyatta’s Handshake with Prince William in London

Kenyans Online Excited by President Kenyatta’s Handshake with Prince William in London

Kenyans Online Excited by President Kenyatta's Handshake with Prince William in London

A photo of President Kenyatta shaking hands with Prince William, Duke of Cambridge at the Buckingham Palace has excited Kenyans online.

The Head of State posted photos of him with Prince William on Facebook after the two held a private meeting at the Palace on Tuesday.

Kenyans on social media drew comparisons to a similar handshake between President Kenyatta and Opposition leader Raila Odinga last month. President Uhuru jetted out of the country Monday morning for a five-day state visit to the United Kingdom.

Here’s what Kenyans online had to say.

Joe Njagi said: “Royalty meets Royalty. I’m proud of you Mr President. You carry yourself with such confidence. I’m sure your visit will bring alot of benefits to this nation that we are proud to be part of.”

Carole Francis noted: “Am so proud of my President always raising our Country high. We are behind you with prayers for God to grant you wisdom to lead us well being directed by his holy spirit.”

Francis Gicheha said:”Is that the young man who proposed while in a log cabin in Mt Kenya? Next time tell him to visit Nakuru county specifically naivasha Mr prezo reprent us well.”

Dickson Gichuki commented:”One thing i admire my president is that he is a bright man and thus can face anyone, well done baba Ngina this clearly shows the world that you are the leader God chose for us.”

Kiplimmoh WA Kiplimmos KE said: “God bless Kenya. May God see you through as you connect international empires in favor of THE BIG FOUR AGENDA. My president! Much love!

Miran Rahman said: “The smile says, it was a happy moment as well as they can give smile and happiness to their nation.’

Fortune Kubwa noted:”President Uhuru You the most humble leader ever, We want you to go for a third term. Compare this with chest thumping raira.”


  1. Gullible Kenyans! Excited by…
    Gullible Kenyans! Excited by a mere handshake as the imperialist steals from their pockets. Like a number of very unhappy Kenyans out here, I am disgusted by Uhuru’s recent announcement that government gonna be reviewing the interest rate cap on banks law and most probably, will rescind it. And he had to make this announcement in London, of all places! Uhuru is finally succumbing to the incessant arm twisting by bankers & the world bank who are fighting tooth & nail to take us back to those dark days of extremely high interest rates aimed at enriching the already very rich & the so called foreign investors. Uhuru & Raila should get out of the dais that is Kenya’s politics like yesterday & leave it to some of us, nkt!

    • Mlachake, I am with you.dont…
      Mlachake, I am with you.dont know what the excitement is and this prience is younger than Uhuru kids.imperialist made us have that inferiority complex. It’s time we take Nanyuki, Karen, abadares back.

  2. By Kenyans you mean Jubilee…
    By Kenyans you mean Jubilee idiots.

    Uhuru Kenyatta is a cold blooded mass murderer who keeps getting away with killing Kenyans-2007 and 2017.Evil to his core.

    Prince William needs to wash his hands with bleach and go for prayers.

    • This stupidity of name…
      This stupidity of name calling does not make a lie the truth… Uhuru was God chosen and escaped all the traps antitrust messengers [like you ] had set up.


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