Home BUSINESS NEWS Billionaire Businessman Chris Kirubi’s Firm to Build Sh2 Billion School in Nairobi’s...

Billionaire Businessman Chris Kirubi’s Firm to Build Sh2 Billion School in Nairobi’s Runda Estate

Billionaire Businessman Chris Kirubi's Firm to Build Sh2 Billion School in Nairobi's Runda Estate

A firm associated with Kenyan billionaire business mogul Chris Kirubi is planning to build a ‘super’ school in Nairobi’s Runda estate at a cost of Sh2 billion.

Investment company Centum Ltd has signed a deal with Beirut- headquartered Sabis Education Network to build the institution.Sabis has a network of schools in 16 countries including United States, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates.

Sabis International President Carl Bistany said the new institution in Kenya will equip its students with world class education.

“Our model is GSCE and A-level which prepares the students to conquer the world by imparting them with life-long skills. We believe that Kenyan students will have to compete globally, hence the idea of opening a world-class facility in Kenya. We shall prepare them to work and open businesses anywhere in the world,” said Mr Bistany during the launch of the project.

Bistany said the school will open in September this year, and has already began receiving applications.

“So far, we have enrolled 35 students and we hope to enrol more in coming months,” the President added.

Speaking at the launch, Centum Investment Chief Executive Officer James Mworia said the institution will accommodate up to 2,000 students when completed.

“The purpose-built school campus will include state-of-the-art classrooms equipped with the latest in educational technology including interactive whiteboards, a sports center, a modern performing arts theatre, a semi-Olympic pool, and extensive outdoor sports facilities,” said Mworia.

Students will be charged Sh600,000 ($6000) as tuition per year.

Kirubi is the majority shareholder of Centum Investors.


  1. Time is ripe for the much…
    Time is ripe for the much awaited revolution in Kenya.There is no way Kenyans should allow Kirubi to build a shs 2b.school in RUNDA neighbouring Raila’s one acre,shs 2b.house,some three miles from TWO RIVERS MALL which was he,Kibaki,Uhuru & Co built with looted shs13b.taxpayer’s money.It is also five miles from luxury dwellings built by gangster Wanjigi.Today’s press reports say that UCHUMI SUPERMARKET which Kirubi looted was closing the SARIT CENTER branch.Press reports that 13m Kenyans face severe hunger and schools are being closed for lack of water.

    • This is capitalism at it’s…
      This is capitalism at it’s best and if you can’t fit in, get lost. We’ll always have rich and wealthy folks around us and bashing them ain’t the way forward. Minus these massively wealthy folks, the country’s economy comes to a standstill. Instead of griping, get in the game and become rich too. Most of the so-called poor are poor because of their own mindsets, and I am talking from experience. There are far too many able bodied men and women who simply lack the DRIVE and AMBITION to move forward and can only complain.

  2. @risasi fanya matripples…
    @risasi fanya matripples zako huko america uachie wazee wenye walifanya kazi wainvest pesa yao.If u have proof Kirubi rooted please take it to the courts or icc.Hii unjinga umama ya talking trash kila wakati is tiresome..Let those who wants to invest in Kenya do it,nyinyi mumeita USA nyumbani so invest there???Watu wengi wanaunjinga sana hawataki Any development hapa kenya nowonder trump keeps calling Black pple shitholes.We want to leave in foreign countries enjoying all they have build with loans which they r repaying everyday n yet hapa nyumbani goverment ikianza Any developement losers run to courts to stop the developments.Truly some of us blacks r shitholes.

  3. @RISASI,It is time to have…
    @RISASI,It is time to have institutions in Kenya that can compete favorably with the ones we currently have in place.
    Reading from your comment above,you do not impress me as someone who is self motivated.
    If I were you and I am glad I am not,I would be thinking how I can come up with a project that can match this one by Centum Limited if not better and create employment in our country while boosting the economy.
    You remind me of my uncle Ojinga who has now being graded as a certified lord of poverty!
    My advise to you is go shoot yourself in the head or forever perpetuate stone throwing in the name of an inciter and a fake Joshua who also happens to be a political conman and murderer.

    • Nash, start one of your own…
      Nash, start one of your own school which would target children from poor families only.

  4. Why not the biggest Hospital…
    Why not the biggest Hospital in Africa..
    How does that sound…Chris????
    Gather your billionaire friends… Jimmy Wanjigi, Raila, them Indians & your Arabs friends

  5. All of you are defending…
    All of you are defending jambazi Kirubi on tribal basis but these gangsters loot from Kenyans including the Gikuyu for themselves.You are in a denial as none of you expects the embarrassment on his god while facing the firing squad.Sorry ndugu zangu kwani hio ITATENDEKA.Corruption will only be contained/tamed in Kenya through the gun.

  6. Ati nyinyi WANJINGA were…
    Ati nyinyi WANJINGA were happy when this thug,who started looting your properties when he was Kibaki’s personal assistant promised you 10000 jobs at TWO RIVERS MALL.Did he tell you that more than 15000 Kenyans were sacked when he together with Moi looted KENATCO and UCHUMI?Did he tell you how he sold new shs 20m. MERCEDES trucks to Moi’s SIGNON FREIGHT for as little as shs 5000 only each?Did he tell how how he looted ICDC?HURUMA NYINGI KWA AGIKUYU WACHACHE KAMA HAWANJUI MWIZI NI MWIZI.

  7. I really wonder. When will…
    I really wonder. When will people cease reasoning from political standpoint. Sometimes it’s better to do away with politics and view things in a more objective and sober way. Am always a supporter of newness and development and think Kirubi is doing the right thing. Anyway, Chris will be remembered for starting a school somewhere in Kenya, and you my brother, what will you be remembered for?

  8. what did kikuyus do to you…
    what did kikuyus do to you.if this was raila building the school would you talk them same as you are.sometimes i think it is jeousy and envy.Mr RISASI you have the mindset of a peasant.


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