Home LIFESTYLE NEWS Laikipia Women Rep Catherine Waruguru Says She’s Happy Being a Second Wife

Laikipia Women Rep Catherine Waruguru Says She’s Happy Being a Second Wife

Laikipia Women Rep Catherine Waruguru Says She's Happy Being a Second Wife

Laikipia Woman Representative Catherine Waruguru says that she is proud of being a second wife and there is nothing wrong with being in a polygamous marriage.

Speaking during a Women conference in Nanyuki on Saturday, the first time Member of Parliament commended President Uhuru’s decision to sign into law the Marriage Act on Wednesday last week.

“You saw the President signing into law the Marriage Act the other day. As women, we must refrain from being distracted by societal decisions” she said.

Waruguru, who is the second wife to Nanyuki-based lawyer Kiprotich Kiget said she has no apologies for being in a polygamous marriage and it was her personal decision to marry the lawyer.

In a statement last week, state house confirmed that the Bill, which “consolidates various laws relating to marriage”, had been signed into law.

The Bill was approved by parliament last month and it legally recognizes polygamous marriages.

“Marriage is the voluntary union of a man and a woman, whether in a monogamous or polygamous union,” a statement by the presidency said.


  1. Respect the decisions of…
    Respect the decisions of consenting adults. That said, I am a product of a polygamous marriage and it’s no picnic to all the parties involved. The women fight for resources and kids recent each other. I will never do that to my child. In my village, one woman in a polygamous marriage has been with the same shamba boy for 15+ years and their closeness tells me that there is more than meets the eye. Mzee is too busy making the rounds to notice…just saying

    • @ Nani, you are right…
      @ Nani, you are right. Polygamous marriages may have served a valuable purpose in the past,but from what I see now days, there are more problems than in the monogamous relationships.These are just vestiges of time past.
      You also have to question the motive of the parties involved.And yes Iam aware that people marry for all sorts of reasons.Some more valid than others,but all the same,reasons.

  2. Did the first wife approve…
    Did the first wife approve the polygamous marriage and is she happy as she is? The answer is most likely, NO!

  3. My life my choice…
    My life my choice… marriage has no standard, what makes one happy might not make another..

      • Polygamous marriages are in…
        Polygamous marriages are in that same Bible….last time I checked.
        With men:women ration skewed, let’s be realistic…

          • …With men:women ration…
            …With men:women ration skewed, let’s be realistic. What do you say, @SW?

  4. Of course she is happy…
    Of course she is happy.
    She is the one intruding in another woman’s marriage.

    We expect nothing less from such characters.

    People who wreck other people’s marriages always say they are happy with polygamy and polygamy law.

    • @Doreen. On this issue I…
      @Doreen. On this issue I agree with you 100%. Wait until her children start being called non-legitimate. She will feel the pain of intruding intruding another woman marriage. She will always be considered 2nd-citizen

  5. Mhhh… one man’s meat,…
    Mhhh… one man’s meat, another man’s poison! Shauri yao, until that is, he brings in wifey no 3, then I wonder if she will be as jubilant about it. I just think kula makopo ya wenzio sio haki in this world of nipe nikupe. Lakini labda wote wemekubaliana and wife no 1 is reaping the benefits brought in by this manyanga. People are very strategic nowadays. I mean, labda bibi wa kwanza has no means to an end, kazeeka kama sukuma wiki, then in trots this young plumped up kama nyanya manyanga with coins to match….kids have to eat, go to school and she remains the queen bee in the house! Just speculating!

  6. Happy or not, marriage…
    Happy or not, marriage remains a very competitive institution, very few actually graduate! if you think marriage is a destination, think again. It is continuous work that requires life-long learning, sacrifice and grace.
    Competition is part of human endeavor and is most basic function of nature. In a moral world, competition results in the undesirable “negative-sum” game particularly on matters of the heart. On the other hand, the heart itself does not thrive on averages and rules of expectation. So I go with letting the heart “eat” what it desires, so long as it is not of the forbidden fruits.

  7. Shameless bitch and this is…
    Shameless bitch and this is a so called member of parliament.You think ati because you are called mheshimiwa wewe bado mpango wa kando na sasa unajaribu ku-upgrade ati second wife.Guess what you and your kids will always be second class.When your kid or kids are adults you will have to explain to them why you broke up a home. When your looks fade and your lawyer sponsor is no longer bringing enough dough he will replace you and you will have to fight for recognition at your husband funeral.If there is any property to be fought over lawyer up.Just another stupid bitch who thinks marriage no matter the form bora she has the ring is an achievement.

  8. Congrats Waruguru for coming…
    Congrats Waruguru for coming out n expressing yr rights openely.First it’s our African culture to marry more than 1 wife if u so wish n also it’s part of our law if again if u wish so as an African especially a proud gikuyu maumau damu I support her.This pple commenting here bin against r the same crooks who supports magay malesbians sodomy mapedopghilia in the western world they live love n worship so pliz go burry yourselves.As somebody said here clearly they r adults??

    • @Mkenya halisi. Why can’t…
      @Mkenya halisi. Why can’t you allow your wife to marry another hubby and you at the same time. Be and example. Get a time table that today bibi will sleep with Mkenya halisi and tomorrow she will sleep with the other hubby.

  9. I’m looking for a second…
    I’m looking for a second wife, those interested feel free to conduct me.

    • You’re not serious. If you…
      You’re not serious. If you were, you’d have included your personal info including full name, LinkedIn profile, etc so those interested can vet you

  10. Oh, I’m as serious hell…
    Oh, I’m as serious hell looking for second wife drop me something facebook inbox….mwose


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