Home KENYA NEWS Malik Obama Attacks President Kenyatta’s Government over Appointments

Malik Obama Attacks President Kenyatta’s Government over Appointments

Malik Obama Attacks President Kenyatta's Government over Appointments

Malik Obama, former United States President Barrack Obama’s half-brother, has faulted president Uhuru’s administration over skewed public appointments.

In statements posted recently on his Twitter handle, Obama lamented that most government departments are headed by members of a particular community. He additionally questioned the renaming of Forest road to Wangari Mathai, a fallen environment crusader.

“Forest Road in Nairobi is now Wangari Mathai Road. Total and complete Hypocrisy! All critical sectors in Kenya; Finance, Energy, Infrastructure, and Security all in the hands (headed) by one tribe, Kikuyus,” Malik said in a tweet.

He also spoke about the relationship between Kenya and retired US President Barack Obama, noting that there is nothing the ties can show.

“Not a road or monument anywhere for Obama in Kenya and nothing for Kenyans or Kenya anywhere from Obama. Kenyans will not honor Obama because he is Luo and Obama will not care about Kenya because he’s American. But they both claim they love each other,” Malik wrote in another tweet.

Malik contested for Siaya Governor seat in the 2013 general election on an independent ticket, but lost with a huge margin to Cornel Rasanga of ODM.



  1. Leave Wangari Mathai alone…
    Leave Wangari Mathai alone. She’s the pride of Africa as a noble peace nominee and winner. Elsewhere like in the college she studied in the USA she has already been honored with a statue. Her recognition in Kenya was long overdue.

    • @Malilk Obama. What are you…
      @Malilk Obama. What are you up to Cain? You sold your brother to his enemies and now you want to turn your devilish ways to Kenya by inciting Luos against Kikuyus. It won’t work. You are worthless son of bitch!!!. Take your hatred somewhere else. You are failure. Nobody want you bitch. You cannot be elected to Chair a kindergarten Committee in your local village. Shut your fucking filthy Mouth!!!

  2. Ghaiii even Wangari Mathai…
    Ghaiii even Wangari Mathai does not deserve to be honored yet we have a whole monument of Tom Mboya and a street to back it up! Saa ingine hata mimi nitalia tunaonewa. That for real tribal profiling!!!???

    • I overheard a watchie from…
      I overheard a watchie from Western in Nairobi Womens Hospital (Hurlingham) a few years ago telling his colleagues that Kyuks got chunks of land dished to them and that is why they own so much. In my many years of living, I have yet to meet one who fit that description. In the stateside diaspora, look who’s investing in Kenya…

      • Yeah I know of certain…
        Yeah I know of certain people ( not to be mentioned) who live in massive homes huku majuu and throws jabs in my direction for living in a playhouse meanwhile hata kwa mama yao hakuna a decent house ….sigh… let alone investments.

  3. Kwani its such a slow news…
    Kwani its such a slow news day for Mwakilishi that they are publishing show nonsense from a irrelevant nobody. He keeps making weird comments so he can stay relevant and he us not. Ignore the ramblings of a publicity hog trying to create division between tribes

  4. Malik, you are failure and…
    Malik, you are failure and disgrace to Africa. I am happy Obama gave you a cold shoulder because you are piece of shit. I doubt you are Barack Obama Sr. son. DNA needed urgently. You are a traitor of Obama’s family-The type of person who can sell his own blood for crack cocaine. You will die a toothless dotard miserable man. Down with Traitors, Down with Malik!!!.

  5. What has this Malik done for…
    What has this Malik done for himself or for Kenya? I have never heard anything he has done. All he has is Obama name recognition through his half brother. Chuki mingi na wivi will not help you Malik

  6. Dr.Koni Hanene,this lad…
    Dr.Koni Hanene,this lad Malik is a tribalist profiler and an inciter not to mention the fact that his brain is loaded with meth and cocaine.
    It does not surprise me because as far as incitement goes,the poor lad has a resident county tutor in the name of Ojinga.

    • You started well until you…
      You started well until you you took right off Malik’so head and donned it. You are exactly what you think about Malik

  7. This guy need a job he is on…
    This guy need a job he is on welfare anyway so it is not about luo get a job or go back to school

  8. I respect Malik Obama…
    I respect Malik Obama becasue he is Barack Obama’s brother and blood is thicker than water, what Barack loves I respect… I have also agreed with Malik Obama in the past with his call for peace in Kenya after election annulment by Supreme Court but I have to digress when it comes to renaming Forest Rd to Waangari Maathai Rd since Maathai fought tooth and nail to preserve ancient forests from real estate developers and like his brother won a Nobel Peace prize for it… As far as Cabinet Secretaries are concerned, Raila has kept a tight lid on Luo leaders from working with Jubilee government. It was just today that elected NASA parliamentary members agreed to take on committee leadership after vowing non-cooperation. I recommend Malik Obama talk to Raila as to why NASA is stand offish as far as working with Jubilee to build the country.

  9. This analogy may annoy some…
    This analogy may annoy some,but I will go ahead and say it:Kalenjin,and nandi tribes dominate track and field events in Kenya.They admirably represent Kenya in various disciplines,and we all cheer when they win.I have yet to hear a Kenyan grudging complain about this skewed representation.
    My point being,if one tribe can yield the best leaders,and administrators,shouldn’t we embrace that?(Now,please dont take this out of context,and interpret this to mean that,Iam talking about Kikuyus-The appearence is coincidental) Yes Iam aware of discrimination, tribalism,and all other kind of biases that give advantage to individuals.But Iam laso aware of people shouting tribalism when it not merited.Wangari earned all her accolades.Infact there should be a Wangari holiday.

    • No more holidays in kenya …
      No more holidays in kenya .. this country has tooooo many holidays … and remember, ministers wake up in the morning and declare any day they want as a holiday which is ridiculous … upuzi mtupu .. a third world country with this many holidays will never develop.

    • You really did compare…
      You really did compare talented sportsmen to political appointees?

      Wow! Kenya is does have it’s share of slow-ones

  10. Unfortunately besides siring…
    Unfortunately besides siring an intelligent, successful, and most internationally honored statesman and former US president Barack Obama, and of course his half sister the beautiful and well spoken Auma, the senior Obama also sired a retarded, backward looking, hateful, and tribal thinking Malik Obama. What an irony?


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