Home DIASPORA NEWS Kenyan Man in Iowa Charged with Being in Possession of an Illegal...

Kenyan Man in Iowa Charged with Being in Possession of an Illegal Firearm

Kenyan Man in Iowa Charged with Being in Possession of an Illegal Firearm

A Kenyan man in Cedar Rapids, Iowa was on Thursday charged with being in possession of an illegal firearm, which he is accused of using to threaten passers-by in his neighborhood in August.

40-year-old Kevin O. Naholi pleaded not guilty to the charges before a federal court. He was charged with being in possession of a firearm by a prohibited person, being an undocumented immigrant and having previous domestic violence charges.

U.S. District Chief Magistrate C.J. Williams granted the prosecution its request to keep Naholi in custody pending trial, which begins on November 17th.

A witnesses told police that Naholi threatened people outside his house, 1607 11th Ave. SW, using a .22-caliber gun on August 26th and 27th. Naholi went inside the house and refused to come out when police arrived at the scene.

His wife and son however came out to talk with police, with his son confirming he had a firearm. Attempts by the two to have him come out of the house bore no fruits. It was after more than 11 hours that Cedar Rapids police’s special response unit flushed him out of the home.

Documents filed at the court indicate that Naholi lawfully came to the US in 2003 on a student visa, but it was withdrawn in 2004 after he declined to enroll in school. He was arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and placed in removal proceedings. The proceedings were cancelled in 2016 after he made plans to pursue becoming a naturalized citizen. His request was however declined in June this year.

Naholi had in May, 2008 been convicted of misdemeanor assault causing bodily injury and domestic abuse, before Linn County District Court.

If found guilty, Naholi could face up to 10 years in prison.


  1. Somebody said on this forum…
    Somebody said on this forum they have TV and mayai mboilo in prison. si aendelee kula kwa hiyo miaka kumi

  2. I don’t believe in the…
    I don’t believe in the second amendment to the USA constitution. The right to own guns violates the first amendment – freedom of speech. How? The late Dr. Martin Luther king was enjoying his freedom of speech when he was prematurely aborted (killed) by the second amendment. Congress must get rid of the second amendment. If not, they should only allow the manufacturing of a similar rifle that existed when the constitution was written.

    So many innocent lives have been prematurely aborted by the blind allegiance to a document written by slave owners over two hundred years ago. The US population is about 318 million people who own about 270 million guns – the highest in the world.

    Guns should be treated like an alarm system. They Should always be kept in the house for individual and family protection.

    The second amendment to the USA constitution has turned many American people into ” gunaholics.]

    • Imara. I agree with your…
      Imara. I agree with your Argument; or should I say Analysis. This could mean “killing” one of the Amendments; a tall order.

  3. They have everything in US…
    They have everything in US prisons, the only , down side is that, mara unaingia huko unafanywa mtu ya mkundu kule kule, yaani unakuwa mke ya majambazi humo ndani maana hamna mademu.

  4. They have everything in US…
    They have everything in US prisons, the only , down side is that, mara unaingia huko unafanywa mtu ya mkundu kule kule, yaani unakuwa mke ya majambazi humo ndani maana hamna mademu.

  5. This man lost it and started…
    This man lost it and started being erratic. He should have taken the next plane home. Hata the son is scared of him and was willing to talk openly to the cops abiut him because they were friendlier than his crazy dad. If you are over 40 and have similar symptoms go see a shrink or take the next plane home.

  6. Naholi thought that muuaji…
    Naholi thought that muuaji Raila came to the US to launch NYANZA RESISTANCE MURDERERS branch so that yeye na wanjinga wenzake ajiunge.Alikuwa anafikilia Cedar Rapids is Nairobi.Maybe muchawi Raila will meet Iowa na ngunia la jambazi Waiguru.

  7. The US Constitution is…
    The US Constitution is similar to the Koran and the Bible. We are living in changed times where these three documents are no longer valid and should be totally revised and re-written again!

  8. The US Constitution begins…
    The US Constitution begins by stating that, “All men are created equal.” It should be revised to read, “All human beings are created equal!”

    The Bible clearly says that “homosexuals” should be killed! The same Bible says that one of the ten God’s commandments clearly states that, “Thou shall not kill!” What a contradiction! The same Bible says in the New Testament that a divorced woman should not re-marry again! Both the Old and the Testament endorse slavery! That’s why The Roman Catholic Nicholas the Fifth endorsed the African slavery and the result of the suffering of Africans in the lands that they were sold still goes on!

    The Koran says that a man can marry a seven year old girl! This is incredibly wrong and child abuse! The same Koran endorses slavery!

  9. Correction: I should have…
    Correction: I should have written, ” That’s why the Roman Catholic POPE Nicholas the Fifth endorsed the African slavery…”


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