Home KENYA NEWS Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho Leads Campaign for Secession of Coast Region

Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho Leads Campaign for Secession of Coast Region

Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho Leads Campaign for Secession of Coast Region

Mombasa governor Ali Hassan Joho and leaders drawn from the coast region have vowed to push for secession of the coast from Kenya.

Speaking during a media briefing on Friday, the leaders claimed that the region has been sidelined by the current and past governments, and hence the need to split from the rest of the country.

Joho, Kilifi Governor Amason Kingi, 12 MPs and 4 senators have threatened to mobilize support both locally and internationally to achieve the separation.

“The journey to realise secession for the coastal people has just began,” Joho following meeting at his office in Mombasa. “This is just but the beginning of a consultative process that will involve abroad network of people to be able to realise our dream.”

Joho said they were engaging local and international lawyers as well as the clergy and other relevant groups to support their bid to de-link the coast from rest of the country.

“We understand that there will be challenges, but what we know for sure is that whatever the challenges we will get where we want to be and we will realise our dream,” Joho said.

“We are not going to use any illegal means. If anyone tries to link us with any group, that won’t work at all,” Joho added.

Kilifi governor Amason Kingi said they would involve coast residents in the matter. “We have decided that we are going to engage the Coastal people and get their views on the same,” he said.



  1. Easier said than done. We…
    Easier said than done. We understand “uchungu” of loosing an election, but talking for the sake of talking makes it worse. Mr. Governor, now that you seem to have free time, take advantage of Jubilee free education and go back to legally complete your disputed degree. Wacha kupayuka. Rest assured you wont be the governor in the next election.

  2. Unless the sultan has…
    Unless the sultan has started pertaking of the same stuff that he deals in, i think he does’t know what he is talking about.

  3. This is what you get when…
    This is what you get when you elect D- student for governor. That they will seek help internationally hmmmm interesting, then he says “if anyone tries to link us to any group”, oh my he gives us the answer right there. KDF be on the look out. It seems cleaning Mombasa of the filth has suddenly become a hard job and now jumping onto secession bandwagon is easier. And its happening after building a harbor in Mombasa. Guess in his mind it will be easier to bring in his “cargo”. Kenya should start exporting its fools cos we have many.

    • Eh and no one helped…
      Eh and no one helped Catalunya ( Catalonia) and that is a WHITE country with so much wealth! and Theresa May has got her own Brexit issues to attend. Marcon is trying to get it together with their issues Who does Joho thinks he is? Prisss….. let me sip my tea and wait for that to happen!

  4. I was born and raised and…
    I was born and raised and love Mombasa but I also want to be part of Kenya and not willing to give up on either.

    • In stead of seceding, why…
      In stead of seceding, why dont you ask your arab brothers for land there and move . You seem to be leaning more toward your arab brothers than Kenyans of non arab decent.
      Leave Kenya as it is.Iam sure your arab brothers will welcome you in Quatar,or Saudi Arabia.

  5. Texas is doing it, let’s…
    Texas is doing it, let’s import some knowledge…. that’s Joho and RAO. Lack of originality is killing us… Copy-Paste style of leadership does not work. If that sh*t works over there, don’t expect it to work here.

  6. Those people like Joho and…
    Those people like Joho and Ndii who are talking of secession should see what has happened in Spain with those Catalan leaders who are now on the run for treason charges. The government should be ready to Joho and Ndii before they hire goons to disrupt the lives of the ordinary Kenyans.

  7. @Doreen… Having read your…
    @Doreen… Having read your previous comments, seen your ignorance and juvenile attitude, It seems that you have never experienced clashes, war or lost a member of your family for political fronting. Your god had a chance to go to the polls to prove his mandate but did not. Now you are backing a D- failure for his own self interests. Ignorance is bliss. Kenyatta is a lame duck prez…. for those who understand.He will not be in the Ballot again. Chunga marima…Kamaru song.

    • Chunga marima ukigwa…
      Chunga marima ukigwa ndukagwe nanii ??, this is too deep for interpretation. Doreen heed the advice After all Gikuyu is the official third kenyan language so I hope you understand the first sentence.

  8. I was born and raised and…
    I was born and raised and love Mombasa but I also want to be part of Kenya and not willing to give up on either. Joho is not speaking for me.

  9. ….and Somalia will claim…
    ….and Somalia will claim mandera to mombasa saying that’s part of their country and mombasa will start asking to join kenya… by the way what’s sustains mombasa’s economy apart from tourism…. and drugs? Madafu na maembe dodo? Wanapwani wengine ni wazembe, wakaa chini ya mnazi wangoja nazi lianguke????

  10. Am quoting someone else. “A…
    Am quoting someone else. “A mind is a terrible thing to waste” Nasa is a wasteland of intelligence. There is no common sense left. They all want to destroy the country. Create all sorts of chaos and upheavals. Their ultimate goal is to make the country ungovernable. In most of the countries in the world this is treason.

  11. Hizi ziaitwa nyefnyef za…
    Hizi ziaitwa nyefnyef za ihiii yaani lads!They should ask the northeastern what happened during shifta war.I cannot wait for them to start this bullshit juu we really need to decrease our population to about 30m so once the succession war starts am hoping our kdf will make sure the populations in kisumu n coast r completely deleted na Kenya itaendelea.U think u can divide an illegal gava with armies,boms n all manner of fighting gears.Hehehe some pple need to think beta

  12. This two Mombasa governors…
    This two Mombasa governors have been looting their county’s.its the pride of ill wealth that makes them feel like they are now kings.its only 5 years since we started devolution,but to me I believe that all those centers of devolution should be crumbled.it has been the center of corruption by a big lot of Kenyans almost to a point making the country ungovernable.

    It’s my appeal that the Kenyans need to amend this crazy constitution that’s taking Kenyan back to ancient days.you can imagine how much money is looted by mote than 40 county governors who feel like presidents and like they are entitled.

    I do really support the idea moi had that cutting the country in pieces through fake democracy is going to lead to disaster in the country.

    Imagine we have two dummy’s from Mombasa calling for cesession.this is after looting the thief countys for 5 years.imagine if they were the presidents.

    All this nonsense started with this constitution.too many thieves lining their pockets in the name of devolution.

    More than 50 percent of Kenyan government budget is to pay workers and the rest is stolen by the county heads with their clones in forms of fake projects.
    It’s high time nasa and jubilee seat down and do a real fix to the constitution that has been copied from big democracies like US And Uk.

    For Americans and britons there system of check and balances works.so those who thinks they will have absolute power the Kenyan way will be in rude shock.the kind of stealing and looting in the country is not healthy for the country. I don’t care whether it’s jubilee or nasa or national movement,it’s going to cripple the country in the long run.

    The loan we borrow from IMF and World Banks is going to be unmanageable because the principle plus interest we pay these organization will make our country have a high gearing ratio.
    Too much pain to the common mwananchi.having to survive and they go to work day by day not forgetting that almost 60 percent are unemployed.

    My question is we have those fox we think cause they call themselves my learned friends in many disciplines,they can’t help fix the mess or the loot entice them too.


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