Home KENYA NEWS New York Times Withdraws its Earlier Criticism on Raila’s Refusal to Concede...

New York Times Withdraws its Earlier Criticism on Raila’s Refusal to Concede Defeat

New York Times Withdraws its Earlier Criticism on Raila's Refusal to Concede Defeat

The New York Times has withdrawn its earlier criticism of National Super Alliance (NASA) leader Raila Odinga’s rejection of the August 8th election results.

In its editorial dated September 3rd, the media outlet regretted being among those who were “too quick to dismiss charges of irregularities.”

This comes after the Kenya’s Supreme Court invalidated President Uhuru Kenyatta’s win last Friday.

They also chided international election monitors and diplomats who gave the election a clean bill of health “largely out of relief that the voting had been mainly peaceful.”

“The fears were real, but the rush to judgment overlooked other things,” NYT said on its page.

“The Supreme Court has done a major service to democracy and the rule of law, and has provided a needed lesson to international observers,” the paper said.

The paper called on the monitors and observers of the election to show that they fully respect and support institutions of democratic governance and the rule of law.

“Preserving peace is best served by ensuring that democratic rules and institutions are respected.”

In its earlier editorial, NYT had pressured Raila to rein in his supporters other than subject the country to ‘another spasm of violence.’

“At 72, he might mull the idea that a display of respect for the new Constitution would be a far better legacy than another bloody spasm of violence,” the paper said earlier.


  1. They just realized the dream…
    They just realized the dream to buy Kenya via Odinga for 50ct may come real after all these years nkt!

    • I say, that is so true. All…
      I say, that is so true. All they need is to pay RAO a little attention and Kenya will be auctioned to the highest bidder… 2nd colonization is what RAO stands for. God Forbid!

  2. Nyt is not alone in eating…
    Nyt is not alone in eating their Crowe. Many others have since retracted their kneejack endorsement of those blatant election thieves.

    1. NASA knew they do not have votes to beat Jubilee but they have the mischief. They had no Tyranny of numbers but they could muster the tyranny of lies, mischief and propaganda. They wanted to get the ballot printing tender so they could get extra ballots and extra forms 34 A, B and C for false result claims in their strongholds
    2. When they failed to get the tender, they went to court and insisted that the constituency should be the point of final results declaration. The judgement was thus granted
    3. NASA knew they had no votes to beat Jubilee but they could spoil the polls
    4. At the polling stations they could not bring fake forms because there was more scrutiny
    5. So they printed fake forms 34Bs distributed to as many NASA-friendly Constituency returning officers in NASA STRONGHOLDS like Joho’s Mombasa county and Luoland. At the constituency level Jubilee agents in NASA strongholds were either absent, not keen to note fake Form 34 Bs being introduced or they were knowingly being NASA moles pretending to be Jubilee agents
    6. The returning officers who were pro-NASA deliberately used the wrong forms 34B to collate the results from polling stations. They also deliberately entered as many errors as they could.
    7. The voting was done okay in most polling stations and the results transmitted directly to the National Tallying Center and Constituency tallying centers.
    8. IEBC had initially said they would not stream provisional results as per the court rulings. But under pressure and to avoid allegations of cooking results for being silent, they promised to show streaming results as updated every 3 hours.
    9. That did not allow enough time for form 34Bs to come in so IEBC could scrutinize them and notice that in NASA strongholds, fake Forms 34Bs had been introduced.
    10. In the meantime, NASA started or rather continued making noise about IEBC and how results were coming in when it was obvious that Jubilee was winning
    11. NASA agents some of them overseas tried to hack into the IEBC servers. NASA also had moles within IEBC IT department where they deliberately interfered with the servers and data to create false evidence of results manipulation.
    12. Observers and everybody noticed and agreed that things had gone well at polling stations. But at Constituency Tallying Centers there was less observers to note what in NASA strongholds was going on with form 34Bs. At Constituency and County level also, Jubilee candidates agents focused on MP, MCA, Senator and Governor results tallying and those were correct as announced.
    13. The results continued coming to IEBC and IEBC was under pressure to finish up the collation of Forms 34 Bs to generate Forms 34 C. Remember as per Court orders IEBC Chebukati was denied power to change anything coming from Constituency Tallying Centers
    14. IEBC and Chebukati did the right thing and correctly tallied the submitted results, then announced the winner legally and correctly.
    15. NASA made noise as expected. Then pretended they would not go to court to fool Jubilee into relaxation while NASA agents and lawyers worked 24/7 to gather the many fake forms their agents (as Returning Officers) had knowing submitted to IEBC
    16. NASA has over the years quietly taken over the judiciary using their friendly judges and many clerical moles. They also managed to push many of their sympathizer judges to enter the Supreme Court after three positions became vacant.
    17. After results were announced and widely accepted NASA tried the violence card but it failed to catch on. The “peoples’ court” was touted but soon fizzled out.
    18. They tried to use the foot soldiers (NGOS like Africog) to go to court but the move was thwarted.
    19. Then in a last-minute surprise move NASA went to court filed the petition and piled external pressure on the judges to believe the fabricated allegations and false evidence and “this time around” redeem the supreme court image
    20. Jubilee and IEBC lawyers did a gallant job as admitted by even Justice Ojwang. But lazy computer illiterate, false religious David Maraga along-side Kalonzo leaning Philomena Muilu, Wetangula and Mudavadi leaning Smokin Wanjala and one erratic self-impressing judge Leanola accepted the NASA lawyers’ propaganda and without an iota of evidence or sound legal reasoning and realistic and patriotic consideration of country THE INEPT JUDGES INVALIDATED THE OTHERWISE CREDIBLE ELECTIONS in a move that surprised millions and threw Kenya into turmoil.
    21. Now NASA is working mischievously harder to create a constitutional crisis and force NUSU mkate fake Canaan. If Jubilee and IEBC and every Jubilee supporters doesn’t watch out and speak out, the repeat elections will be spoilt by NASA to create another claim of illegitimacy and throw the country into turmoil until mkate nusu comes through. IEBC please ensure no fake FORMs 34 Bs are submitted from NASA strongholds again!


  4. Damn, can’t believe you had…
    Damn, can’t believe you had time to write 21 points of poor rubbish. That is time you will never regain. Whether you like it or not, Raila called it and it was proven, the days of ruling people thru lies and tribalism just might have caught up with these people. Raila whether you like it or not is a statesman unlike all these other people, he fought for and got Multi partism from the old crook. The judiciary proved one thing, people forget of what’s referred to as “checks & balances”.

    • My only stateman was maumau…
      My only stateman was maumau freedom fighters including Muigai Kenyatta . Raila is a freaking manipulator violence mastermind , waiting to sell Kenya to wakoloni all over again and take that to the bank. Stateman prisss!!

  5. New york times…
    New york times
    Do not try to burn kenya are you happy when people dying ? If you have botes go to Kenya bote for Raila if he gets more votes Kenyan have no promblems to ruled by any kihii if electend piece

  6. Jesus, learn English and…
    Jesus, learn English and come back. This “kihii ” BS, all kenya needs is a person whose not a thief. Stupid mindset. Kikuyus are worried that’s why all of a sudden you’re out in full force, Siku za mwizi ni arubaini

  7. Just covering their butts…
    Just covering their butts. That’s all. Trying to shake the fake news label!

  8. The west only swing whatever…
    The west only swing whatever way the wind may be blowing….goes this way, they come along, over there…. so be it! Lakini kukichomeka, wanatoweka! So this comes as no surprise ndugu zangu. Look at their interventions all over the world and quote one where it has ended in jubilation? Their investments is their core interest -period. Just look at the American prezzo, he could be mistaken for Raila’s distant cousin had he been black. Similar ideologies and blinded, led by hatred and stereotypes of the “others”.


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