Home KENYA NEWS Raila Expresses Disappointment with John Kerry, International Observers

Raila Expresses Disappointment with John Kerry, International Observers

Raila Expresses Disappointment with John Kerry, International Observers

National Super Alliance (NASA) presidential candidate Raila Odinga has expressed his disappointment with international election observers led by former United States Secretary of State John Kerry over their view that Kenya elections were credible.

Speaking in an interview with global leading media CNN on Thursday evening, the former Prime Minister castigated the observers, saying that they only concentrated on voting and tallying but gave a deaf ear on transmission of the results.

“I think that the observers have not helped Kenyans resolve this dispute, they have confounded it by giving basically an approval to a fairly flawed process…and therefore I am very disappointed with John Kerry and the other observers,” he said.

The Orange Democraric Movement (ODM) leader maintained that the opposition outfit does not want to plunge the country to violence and appealed to his supporters to remain calm.

“We know the consequences of 20017 and we do not want to see a repeat of that anymore,” he said.

Asked on the violence witnessed in some parts of the country on Wednesday and Thursday, the opposition chief said he does not control anyone adding that Kenyans want justice.

Earlier CNN interviewed Kerry, who headed the Carter Centre observer mission and gave the Kenyan elections a clean bill of heath.

“The tallying is ongoing but we believe that the elections commission in Kenya has put in place a process that will allow each and every vote integrity to be proven and to be protected.

“…..There is a way to go back, if anything was changed, if anything was fiddled with, to absolutely ascertain what happened in the polling station,” he said.

“I believe that there is great legitimacy in the basic process, the question that now has to be tested is did everybody follow it, and has it in fact, somebody attempted to alter it at any stage” he said.

International observers on Thursday termed the elections peaceful and lauded Kenyans for turning up at polling stations to elect leaders of choice.


  1. John Kerry is NOT an IT…
    John Kerry is NOT an IT Expert. He is just an ONLOOKER; a Bystander Watching for the Safety of American Citizens and Their Interests in the Region.

    • @Guest1, You’ve been on…
      @Guest1, You’ve been on mwakikishi ranting about your ‘demigod’ Raila for months and now that he lost, again!! you have gone off the deep end. Kichwa imeruka!! You my friend, is psychotic and need professional help!!
      Raila will contest again in 2022 and 2027 and both times you will end up in a locked room in Mathare hospital after another mental breakdown.
      I thought your people had already admitted you at mathare after i watched the now now viral video you stripping into your blue underwear and wailing like a baby in the streets.

  2. My poor uncle Ojinga was all…
    My poor uncle Ojinga was all along during the campaign period singing “MAMBO YABADILIKA”. Things have truly changed but for the better because 8,203.290 Kenyan voters said NO to political conmanship,greed,incitement,hunger for power,prostitution,lies,deceit,malice,murder,disfranchisement and innocent killings.
    However,all is not lost because my Uncle can still run for the top prize in 2022 at the age of 77 but that will depend on the decision of the chief firearms officer – approve and sell to my uncle a new gun with fresh bullets since he has already spent the last bullet inside the old gun.
    He can also decide to start mentoring fresh oppositionists like Babu Owino or self exile himself say to Tanzania and study Magufulism! Just throwing some active semi-retirement suggestions to my uncle Ojinga because I love him as family!


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