Home KENYA NEWS Confusion Rocks NASA Over Two Manifestos

Confusion Rocks NASA Over Two Manifestos


Confusion has rocked the opposition coalition National Super Alliance (NASA) after two teams crashed over who formulated the ‘genuine’ NASA manifesto. A contest pitting technocrats and business lobbyists has emerged, with each group claiming their documents as the accepted opposition blueprint.

The head of the team that wrote the manifesto unveiled by presidential candidate Raila Odinga last week, Dr. David Ndii said that a second, which is available on the NASA website, was not the true opposition alliance’s manifesto.

One document bearing a green cover is titled “A Strong Nation. National Super Alliance Coalition Manifesto 2017”. A second document has a blue cover and is titled“Road to Kenyan Dream. Implementing Our Manifesto.”

In an interview on Citizen TV, Dr Ndii disowned the second document, repeatedly saying, “That is not our manifesto.”

While tasked to explain the issue during a press conference on Tuesday, National Super Alliance Presidential candidate, Raila Odinga denied existence of two blueprints; “There are no two manifestos.”Raila said.

The former Prime Minister said that while booklet laid out the policy and reforms for key sectors of the economy, the second one expounded on how the policy would be implemented. “There are no contradictions. Those documents speak to each other,” he added.

Speaking separately to the Nation, Ndii differed with Raila saying that the difference between the two documents was in their creation, which he characterized as “a contest between good and evil, between right and wrong, within NASA.”

“That document is a bunch of people who were trying to do an implementation plan and they wanted to do specific things, all sorts of things, but it’s not the manifesto,” he said of the blue cover version, adding that since an implementation plan would have to be drawn after the election, the document should not even be entitled as such.

“People started working on something. They were trying to put it together, they haven’t done a good job of it but you know the way politics is.

We have a coalition. There is a whole bunch of situations where the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing,” he added.


  1. Two or three manifestos-One…
    Two or three manifestos-One for CORRUPTION/IMPUNITY,the other one Changaa/Busaa na ingine ya Kuua/Cannibalism.

  2. Most of Raila’s tactics…
    Most of Raila’s tactics come from the leftist ideas of communist.1) the Lack of respect for willing buyer willing seller 2)Using radical tactics such us disrupting the economy and making townships “ungoverable” 3)Ideas about communisation/collectivisation of land. Generally speaking,The problem with these communist/leftist ideas is that they do not work.They lead the country towards more chaos and more poverty.Julius Nyerere ideas were also very leftist, They only lead Tanzania into Poverty.What we need in Kenya is more investment, more business friendly ideas,less taxes,more economic growth.Not extreme leftist ideas.Vote for Kenyan Capitalism.Vote for UHURUTO. Vote for Jubilee.

    • Another one of the former…
      Another one of the former USSR/communist tactics in africa was to use propaganda to whip up ethnic and tribal conflict.Guys you should read the book communism in Sub-saharan Africa.Then you will understand the communist source of Rao convoluted and crazy philosophy.


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